Friday, September 25, 2009
How To Migrate Pokemon From Emerald To Soulsilver
We will start even in bad weather because the weather expected openings of the sky throughout the day. If bad weather persists we will stop the Mambretti for lunch and then return to the valley floor.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Chevrolet Silverado 427
LACE Scotese
E 'is certainly interesting to climb one of the most beautiful peaks ( fifth the height of the Alps Orobie) and less frequented than the average Valtellina. Pizzo Scotese is easily recognized by the entire top side for curing its characteristic pyramid shape and the two glaciers that burrow in N, just below the summit peak, in the dark valley of Pioda.
was climbed for the first time in September 1887 by Melzer, and Bonacossa Confortola, who lost in the nebbia, raggiunsero la vetta pensando di essere sul Pizzo Biorco. L'impresa fu confermata alla prima ripetizione grazie al ritrovamento della bottiglietta coi nomi dei tre alpinisti. Dei 4 versanti praticabili con differenti difficoltà il più semplice è quello che percorre la ripida pala N.
DATE: September 26, 2009
DEPARTURE: Agnedo (1228 m) H 7.00
HOW TO GET THERE: From Campus school Sondrio take the SS38 towards Tirano to the end the bypass. Just before the level crossing turn right and follow SP joining the Mountain Top and Piateda to Busteggia. 100 feet beyond the former kennel, take the road on the right that goes up to Pam and then rejoin the main artery for Piateda Alta. After about 7 km from Sondrio is at the crossroads in town Mon. Follow the road on the right who also
Vedella Val. Just beyond the Central Vedella (1000 m, 6 km), the fund becomes gravel concrete mix. Continue to Agnedo (2.5 km) and leave the car at the bottom level.
VIA: Mambretti (m 2003) - Lakes at an altitude of 2400 - - Scotese nozzle - for the loader N Pizzo Scotese (2978 m)
TIME LIMIT FOR UP: 5h and a half (a minimum necessary to be trained)
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Clothing for the high mountain
PROCEEDINGS OF GUIDE SERIES (ideal conditions) f Mountaineering
HOW TO GET THERE: From Campus school Sondrio take the SS38 towards Tirano to the end the bypass. Just before the level crossing turn right and follow SP joining the Mountain Top and Piateda to Busteggia. 100 feet beyond the former kennel, take the road on the right that goes up to Pam and then rejoin the main artery for Piateda Alta. After about 7 km from Sondrio is at the crossroads in town Mon. Follow the road on the right who also
Vedella Val. Just beyond the Central Vedella (1000 m, 6 km), the fund becomes gravel concrete mix. Continue to Agnedo (2.5 km) and leave the car at the bottom level.
VIA: Mambretti (m 2003) - Lakes at an altitude of 2400 - - Scotese nozzle - for the loader N Pizzo Scotese (2978 m)
TIME LIMIT FOR UP: 5h and a half (a minimum necessary to be trained)
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Clothing for the high mountain
PROCEEDINGS OF GUIDE SERIES (ideal conditions) f Mountaineering

Participation is voluntary and open to the outputs, the' organization is not responsible for accidents or injury. CAI for non-members should fill out the appropriate insurance policy can be downloaded from the site , under insurance.
E 'is certainly interesting to climb one of the most beautiful peaks ( fifth the height of the Alps Orobie) and less frequented than the average Valtellina. Pizzo Scotese is easily recognized by the entire top side for curing its characteristic pyramid shape and the two glaciers that burrow in N, just below the summit peak, in the dark valley of Pioda.
was climbed for the first time in September 1887 by Melzer, and Bonacossa Confortola, who lost in the nebbia, raggiunsero la vetta pensando di essere sul Pizzo Biorco. L'impresa fu confermata alla prima ripetizione grazie al ritrovamento della bottiglietta coi nomi dei tre alpinisti. Dei 4 versanti praticabili con differenti difficoltà il più semplice è quello che percorre la ripida pala N.
Dal fondo della piana di Agneda si sale (sentiero segnalato con bolli bianco-rossi), per carrozzabile prima e sentiero poi, fino al versante settentrionale del bacino di Scais (m 1434, ore 0:50).
Il sentiero poi s'insinua in Val Caronno per boschi e pascoli fino alla Capanna Mambretti (m 2003, ore 1:10). Dal rifugio ci si inerpica a N lungo i ripidi prati. Anche se non facili da individuare, le bandiere bianche e rosse dipinte sui sassi guidano fra pascoli e macereti fino alla piana detritica che precede l'impennata finale per il Passo Biorco (sentiero per la Donati). Si abbandona la via tracciata e si piega a dx (E). Si risale un gradone che adduce a un nuovo ripiano. Due laghetti di disgelo son lì a dare il benvenuto ai pochi alpinisti che transitano in questi luoghi desolati (m 2400 ca., ore 1:30). Il grande anfiteatro è dominato oltre che dal Pizzo degli Uomini, anche dai Pizzi Biochi. A NO si distingue il Pizzo Rodes, mentre a SE l'altezza dello spartiacque preclude la vista sul gruppo Scais-Redorta. Ci si porta ora sulla sx (NE) del vallone detritico e per la dx orografica si sale verso NE puntando il passaggio sulla cresta meridionale del Pizzo degli Uomini (One crosses the path pointed to the courts that comes from Bivouac Donati and passes through the False Biorcio). Reached the watershed, cross the short incision of the valley that leads
ridge known as O Lace Scotese nozzle Scotese. The ending is crossed in a narrow channel with chains. It was in the Valley of Pioda. Followed slightly exceeded the chains to lose share to the NE crossing. Once at the center of the blade which is the face of Pizzo NO Scotese, leave via the branded and climb straight to the (steep) to the top. With easy climbing among broken rocks and debris is the small cairn summit (2978 m, at 2). The scenery is magnificent in every direction, from the wild and collected by Valone Pioda N, fairs peaks Group Scais-Redorta, as well as the impressive side of the Coca NO. The descent is by the same procedure.
Dal fondo della piana di Agneda si sale (sentiero segnalato con bolli bianco-rossi), per carrozzabile prima e sentiero poi, fino al versante settentrionale del bacino di Scais (m 1434, ore 0:50).
Il sentiero poi s'insinua in Val Caronno per boschi e pascoli fino alla Capanna Mambretti (m 2003, ore 1:10). Dal rifugio ci si inerpica a N lungo i ripidi prati. Anche se non facili da individuare, le bandiere bianche e rosse dipinte sui sassi guidano fra pascoli e macereti fino alla piana detritica che precede l'impennata finale per il Passo Biorco (sentiero per la Donati). Si abbandona la via tracciata e si piega a dx (E). Si risale un gradone che adduce a un nuovo ripiano. Due laghetti di disgelo son lì a dare il benvenuto ai pochi alpinisti che transitano in questi luoghi desolati (m 2400 ca., ore 1:30). Il grande anfiteatro è dominato oltre che dal Pizzo degli Uomini, anche dai Pizzi Biochi. A NO si distingue il Pizzo Rodes, mentre a SE l'altezza dello spartiacque preclude la vista sul gruppo Scais-Redorta. Ci si porta ora sulla sx (NE) del vallone detritico e per la dx orografica si sale verso NE puntando il passaggio sulla cresta meridionale del Pizzo degli Uomini (One crosses the path pointed to the courts that comes from Bivouac Donati and passes through the False Biorcio). Reached the watershed, cross the short incision of the valley that leads
ridge known as O Lace Scotese nozzle Scotese. The ending is crossed in a narrow channel with chains. It was in the Valley of Pioda. Followed slightly exceeded the chains to lose share to the NE crossing. Once at the center of the blade which is the face of Pizzo NO Scotese, leave via the branded and climb straight to the (steep) to the top. With easy climbing among broken rocks and debris is the small cairn summit (2978 m, at 2). The scenery is magnificent in every direction, from the wild and collected by Valone Pioda N, fairs peaks Group Scais-Redorta, as well as the impressive side of the Coca NO. The descent is by the same procedure.
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