Ever dreamed of leaving all your hectic city life, smog, noise, the crowded workplace, the time is never enough? Have you ever dreamed of going to a quiet place to listen in silence on the passing of time, see the grass grow, not to feel anxiety about something behind you chasing?
Japan, island Honshu, Shimane Prefecture. In a small village in the countryside where small rice fields and steep hills full of trees there is a small school. The number of inhabitants of this village is so small that the elementary school and middle school are merged in the same building, and everything in between one and the other there are only six students: the smallest is so small that it is still Piss on you, and the largest is the penultimate year of the medium. The school is in turmoil because it is going to get a new student, he is from Tokyo and moved into the village of his grandfather with his mother. Soyo (played by the young 印 东 夏 帆 ( Indo Kaho ), stage name " Kaho") in particular, the larger the school, can not wait to come to the boy: Hiromi Osawa is in fact one of his same age. The first meeting between Hiromi, Soyo and the village is not the most happy: the boy, accustomed to the bustle of the metropolis Japan struggles to adapt to the new reality in which it was thrown. His six classmates are all set to do so, their joy and abandon are so disarming to challenge even a guy like him underground. Over time, Hiromi learns to appreciate her new life in the village.
A film that has caused me great excitement, I must admit. Maybe it was the time of 茶 の 味 (Cha No Aji - The Taste Of Tea), 2004, Katsuhito Ishii. that I felt a desire to do so intense downshifting. I think this film is a hymn to downshifting for excellence. What
landscapes, those of Shimane prefecture, one of the least populated of Japan's impossible to describe for their beauty all its own: the cliffs yellow grains such as those I had seen at the coast of Shikoku in the Inland Sea, the crystalline sea, lush green and brilliant campaign and the small rail lines with diesel trains that regularly climb on cliffs in narrow tunnels es'infilano between a valley and another. Feels like heaven: big houses, verandas of polished dark wood open summer and the desire to sleep in tatami surrounded by the song of cicadas. The people of the village do not know what the sophistication that ugly town exquisitely made mainly by their wits behavioral self-defense are fairly honest and quiet. Never a problem, never a violent and sad event apart from the suicide of the woman, there on the bridge in the beach road: take the long way to go to sea, which moreover is even more scenic, to forget that too. Do you expect surprises? Heinous murders? Ghosts? None of this, Tennen Kokekko not subject to unpleasant surprises, a medicine for the soul of dreamers like me, who need every now and then to identify himself in a paradise like this and get lost in the soothing oblivion of silence and a quiet place away from everything and everyone. Whatever it takes to eat, you can take to the field, or the maximum you can take a short walk to the store's mom Ibuki, the girl in the sixth grade. The doctor? You have to go to town! The stranger is not Osawa ability of all this, and his amazement mixed with bewilderment are disgusted that the expedient cinemantografico ago from crutches to us viewers dreamers still lame in this new world of fantasy.
No surprise, really, no.
may arise a doubt this is a film filthy liar? If I'm Shion with 紀子 の 食卓 ( Noriko No Shokutaku - Noriko's Dinner Table) teaches us that moving to a heavenly place is not useful to flee their own ghosts, and that they are hidden inside us, Nobuhiro Yamashita (formerly director of Lina Linda Linda ) gives his personal or more optimistic view: the problems are everywhere, even in a heavenly place, and reminds us with the flowers placed in the balustrade of the bridge rusted on the road to the beach, or the attachment of the mother's asthma Osawa, perhaps the most dramatic of the film, but if you have the strength to leave their troubles behind them, if you are able to purify their hearts and live with a strong optimistic attitude, you can find your own personal paradise.
Often the contemporary Japanese cinema paradise built parallel reality where the viewer can rush and dream in these situations can be identified in Love Story, journeys that seem epic adventures although experienced in the backyard, great victories and successes. Often all these beautiful works are scaffolding of lies that cover very different realities: the school really sucks, the job really sucks, it is difficult to succeed in sport, as in the show or the music, much less in love, let alone win fabulous girls, beautiful, kind and thoughtful as enchanted fairies: in reality the beautiful girls are often clever and unscrupulous, with their beauty and popularity. But the scaffolding Yamashita demonstrates strong: it is the isolation of the village to protect him from the ugliness and wickedness of the world, Soyo and his companions are genuinely good and honest, and above all, simple. The boys school trip to Tokyo does nothing but strengthen this general feeling of purity and this atmosphere special: A Shinjuku, afraid of standing out in front of the towers of the municipal government building by Kenzo Tange, Soyo covers his ears, holds her breath and says the skyscrapers, the frenzy, noise, that when he grows up he will learn to deal with them, but now all his love is for the village, its people and its small school. A place so beautiful that the same people already feel nostalgia for it, while living there.
"There is nothing better than our house," says a professor at Soyo afraid to Tokyo.
Tennen Kokekko is a film of love, love of beauty in itself, the beauty of simplicity, the beauty of nature, the beauty of interpersonal relationships, the beauty of love. Tennen Kokekko is a film of love for Love. A film to dream, a movie where even find shelter from the stresses of daily life and the widespread ugliness of our times.
Tennen Kokekko is a stab to the heart, because after having lived his world, any world can seem less beautiful.
Japan, island Honshu, Shimane Prefecture. In a small village in the countryside where small rice fields and steep hills full of trees there is a small school. The number of inhabitants of this village is so small that the elementary school and middle school are merged in the same building, and everything in between one and the other there are only six students: the smallest is so small that it is still Piss on you, and the largest is the penultimate year of the medium. The school is in turmoil because it is going to get a new student, he is from Tokyo and moved into the village of his grandfather with his mother. Soyo (played by the young 印 东 夏 帆 ( Indo Kaho ), stage name " Kaho") in particular, the larger the school, can not wait to come to the boy: Hiromi Osawa is in fact one of his same age. The first meeting between Hiromi, Soyo and the village is not the most happy: the boy, accustomed to the bustle of the metropolis Japan struggles to adapt to the new reality in which it was thrown. His six classmates are all set to do so, their joy and abandon are so disarming to challenge even a guy like him underground. Over time, Hiromi learns to appreciate her new life in the village.
A film that has caused me great excitement, I must admit. Maybe it was the time of 茶 の 味 (Cha No Aji - The Taste Of Tea), 2004, Katsuhito Ishii. that I felt a desire to do so intense downshifting. I think this film is a hymn to downshifting for excellence. What
landscapes, those of Shimane prefecture, one of the least populated of Japan's impossible to describe for their beauty all its own: the cliffs yellow grains such as those I had seen at the coast of Shikoku in the Inland Sea, the crystalline sea, lush green and brilliant campaign and the small rail lines with diesel trains that regularly climb on cliffs in narrow tunnels es'infilano between a valley and another. Feels like heaven: big houses, verandas of polished dark wood open summer and the desire to sleep in tatami surrounded by the song of cicadas. The people of the village do not know what the sophistication that ugly town exquisitely made mainly by their wits behavioral self-defense are fairly honest and quiet. Never a problem, never a violent and sad event apart from the suicide of the woman, there on the bridge in the beach road: take the long way to go to sea, which moreover is even more scenic, to forget that too. Do you expect surprises? Heinous murders? Ghosts? None of this, Tennen Kokekko not subject to unpleasant surprises, a medicine for the soul of dreamers like me, who need every now and then to identify himself in a paradise like this and get lost in the soothing oblivion of silence and a quiet place away from everything and everyone. Whatever it takes to eat, you can take to the field, or the maximum you can take a short walk to the store's mom Ibuki, the girl in the sixth grade. The doctor? You have to go to town! The stranger is not Osawa ability of all this, and his amazement mixed with bewilderment are disgusted that the expedient cinemantografico ago from crutches to us viewers dreamers still lame in this new world of fantasy.
No surprise, really, no.
may arise a doubt this is a film filthy liar? If I'm Shion with 紀子 の 食卓 ( Noriko No Shokutaku - Noriko's Dinner Table) teaches us that moving to a heavenly place is not useful to flee their own ghosts, and that they are hidden inside us, Nobuhiro Yamashita (formerly director of Lina Linda Linda ) gives his personal or more optimistic view: the problems are everywhere, even in a heavenly place, and reminds us with the flowers placed in the balustrade of the bridge rusted on the road to the beach, or the attachment of the mother's asthma Osawa, perhaps the most dramatic of the film, but if you have the strength to leave their troubles behind them, if you are able to purify their hearts and live with a strong optimistic attitude, you can find your own personal paradise.
Often the contemporary Japanese cinema paradise built parallel reality where the viewer can rush and dream in these situations can be identified in Love Story, journeys that seem epic adventures although experienced in the backyard, great victories and successes. Often all these beautiful works are scaffolding of lies that cover very different realities: the school really sucks, the job really sucks, it is difficult to succeed in sport, as in the show or the music, much less in love, let alone win fabulous girls, beautiful, kind and thoughtful as enchanted fairies: in reality the beautiful girls are often clever and unscrupulous, with their beauty and popularity. But the scaffolding Yamashita demonstrates strong: it is the isolation of the village to protect him from the ugliness and wickedness of the world, Soyo and his companions are genuinely good and honest, and above all, simple. The boys school trip to Tokyo does nothing but strengthen this general feeling of purity and this atmosphere special: A Shinjuku, afraid of standing out in front of the towers of the municipal government building by Kenzo Tange, Soyo covers his ears, holds her breath and says the skyscrapers, the frenzy, noise, that when he grows up he will learn to deal with them, but now all his love is for the village, its people and its small school. A place so beautiful that the same people already feel nostalgia for it, while living there.
"There is nothing better than our house," says a professor at Soyo afraid to Tokyo.
Tennen Kokekko is a film of love, love of beauty in itself, the beauty of simplicity, the beauty of nature, the beauty of interpersonal relationships, the beauty of love. Tennen Kokekko is a film of love for Love. A film to dream, a movie where even find shelter from the stresses of daily life and the widespread ugliness of our times.
Tennen Kokekko is a stab to the heart, because after having lived his world, any world can seem less beautiful.
天然 コケッコー (Tennen Kokekkō - A Gentle Breeze In The Village)
Japan, 2007 - directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita