Interior Design
The French visionary Michael Gondry form this first episode. Akira Hiroki and move for a few days at home with Akemi, a friend of her. Akira is an aspiring filmmaker in town to present his latest work: a film will be hard to host the screening of his film, however, that will be several days after their temporary transfer to Akemi's house for its small size is not suitable to accommodate more than two people at a time. The couple shows at all now able to find a solution to this problem: the search for a job and an apartment for rent are constantly empty, and just Akira, the only two to have some of the project in life, can almost by chance to find work as a packer in pottery shop. As the days passed and the atmosphere between the two Akemi is getting heavier and sitaizone is complicated by the arrival of her boyfriend: what's more the relationship between them is deteriorating Hiroko and Akira because of many difficulties. The discouragement of Hiroko is transformed into something strange, very strange.
Another Frenchman, Leos Carax, he directed the second episode. A Western man dirty and lame, with a strange beard and strange clothes, makes brief raid on the streets of Tokyo, emerging from the sewers and returned shortly after. He soon became known to the public for its mocking violence against passers-by. The discovery of grenades in an underground storage leads him to cause a massacre in Shibuya. The man was arrested and the world learns to know him as "Merde" (which has the same meaning as the Italian word). His language is incomprehensible, but comes forward a bizarre French lawyer who has the facial features very similar to those of the tramp who will act as a translator for the interrogators.
Shaking Tokyo
The most beautiful, in my opinion, operadel Korean director Bong Joon-Ho. A man in his forties now 11 years living quietly at home and is a ひきこもり ( Hikikomori), one of those people in Japan spend their lives in isolation from the outside world. La sua vita è perfetta, estremamente scandita da rituali precisi. Ma un terremoto e l'arrivo di una ragazza porta-pizze cambieranno la sua vita, per sempre...
Nonostante la diversità dei tre episodi ho trovato un interessante filo conduttore che li unisce in maniera indissolubile: tutti e tre i registi esprimono la difficoltà di "vivere" una città come Tokyo e un paese come il Giappone: per qualunque appassionato e sognatore sfegatato del Giappone, la visione di questo film è un delicato ridimensionamento di una infinita Disneyland marziana a semplice luogo di questo pianeta terra, abitato da gente normale alla quale non basta il denaro per vivere, gente normale che very common and has serious problems, people sucube of intolerance and persecution, people who love and people who hate, people who are frightened, people who suffer. Especially Gondry and to a lesser extent the other two, imbue their films with the "difficulty" of everyday life like a stain that creeps between the lives of their characters, ruining them. Speaking of Gondry episode in particular, only a visionary genius like his can bring together a very sad with the magic realism of the dream, or nightmare if we both always metaphorical. Ayako Fujitani, already seen in the Ritual Year and Hideaki Kase Ryo, the main character of それでも ボク は やっ てない ( Anyway, I did not ) the actors are really good and the episode draws huge benefit and credibility.
Carax, in my opinion, the history of the persecution of Merde is always metaphorically a very topical issue in Japan: the distrust and fear of foreigners. Merde speaks an incomprehensible language, is filthy and smelly, rude and behaves light years away from the common label. Well any stranger, when Tokyo was refused by a taxi driver because "Japanese", or when he sees the neighbors away by subway to his approach, or if you have a dealing with the police, he feels like shit, which becomes almost a messiah of a longed-for relaxation by the Japanese company as a whole, against gaijin.
Bong, also thanks to the beautiful and talented Yuu Aoi wins the race for absolute separation of millet episode: a masterpiece of delicacy and poetry, which are very difficult to describe, and show its great sensitivity and passion for the Japanese. The cameo by Naoko Takenaka is a must!
A really good film.
Giappone, Francia, Germania, Corea del Sud, 2008 - regia di Michael Gondry, Leos Carax e Joon-Ho Bong
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