boulder in the city
Sabato 19 dicembre 2009
Piazza Garibaldi - Sondrio
Siete tutti invitati
al primo
Sondrio Street Climbing
e alla Festa degli Auguri
-ore 16.00
Piazza Garibaldi.
Apertura Campo Base con parete d’arrampicata per bambini, igloo con musica e esposizione prodotti, proiezione video, Slackline.
-ore16.30 - 19.00
StreetBoulder Contest.
-19.30 pm
StreetBoulder Final Contest in Piazza Campello, at Credito Valtellinese.
Up Next: Happy Hour buffet at "Berry's".
-hours 21:00 to 22:00
Piazza Garibaldi
StreetBoulder Award Contest.
Day greetings with Bonfire and VinBrulè.
CAI Valtellinese Section arranges for Christmas 2009, an innovative sporting event in the urban context. It will be a race of "Street Boulder," or climbing urban, where the boulders and rock walls and then replace it, at least for one night, the city and its structures. The "Street Boulder, already practiced, though without a legal name, for fun and exercise, by the climbers of the '70s, the attempt to transfer the gestures and the desire to" verticality ", typical of the climb to the sites of their daily lives, or in the streets and alleys of the city.
Cornices, columns and sills are then transformed into fun "steps" by the different characteristics and difficulties, thus to discover an unusual way to live the urban dimension. A new activity
therefore, feels that the CAI to accommodate seamlessly, to mark in an unusual and fun, the bond that unites our city with the activity of climbing, an essential element of alpinism. For the city streets, inspired by recent research Christmas shopping, will be around so many young "urban climber" united by a passion, challenging each other on the various steps, including a final "surprise" very dramatic, knockout. The event, called "Sondrio Street Climbing" shall occur the annual Festival of Christmas greetings CAI, emphasized with the values \u200b\u200bof sport, fun and friendship. In Piazza Garibaldi set up our "base camp", with many attractions. Apart from a small panel of climbing where even the youngest children can, with confidence, try this activity, there will be a corner where the groped "slackline" (the rope for balance, always loved by people in the exercise vertical), a for local products and music for adults and children. The Bonfire of the CAI, in partnership with the Fire Department, will illuminate the Piazza Garibaldi, and will be projected on a large panel of striking images of mountaineering and climbing on our most beautiful mountains, to open, right in the heart of the city, a window on what that più bello le sta attorno e che la rende, appunto, “Città Alpina”.