However, for those like me who do not know instead of it (or if they have deliberately kept away), in Japan it is believed in many semi-divine and supernatural entities, and between them there are 死神 ( Shinigami ) or spirits of the dead, a godlike figure in Japan imported from Europe and adopted in the Meiji period. This film gives us yet another alternative view of the Shinigami, but first things first ...
Mr. Chiba is a Shinigami. Mr. Chiba is a Shinigami to come very elegant and handsome, with his beautiful hair and her clothing style, "Le Iene". Mr. Chiba has no age, traveling in random in time and space, walking with his spirit controller (a black dog) over the rails of a monorail (identical to that of Naha, Okinawa), which should be precisely the supernatural dimension from which comes the beautiful Chiba. The handsome Shinigami is also bored with his routine: he has never seen a blue sky in endless millennia of its existence because when he works for some reason it always rain ... and then those damn crows blacks, there are always about the person to die The only break from the rain Mr. Chiba is walking on the concrete monorail, which is above the clouds. When the mono-rail stops with a door, it means that promises a new job. Crossing the threshold, this is our world in a thunderous downpour, a lot of crows and a contact to be established: one with the victim, that is the person who should die: Chiba good as his colleagues (there are many around the world) must decide: do with death or suspend the death. It's kind of a process in which victims are subjected. Before it is for an employee of the unlucky 80, then at a Playboy of the yakuza of today, and then to a hairdresser for the future with a lot of helper robots (very cute I would add, and I speak of the robot). Mr. Chiba will (or will not) take its decisions by showing a human side, etc etc. Let
now, the film I liked. It showcases a sleek and Takeshi Kaneshiro pumped crap, Chinese actor and shoulders are a little strong to hold a ridiculous script. The Shinigami and interpreted by him immortal, but his travels in space and time make it hopelessly clumsy in front of humans and important concepts which the courts of life as a Shinigami which is discussed should at least be informed, if not very casual: funny as a cue to the loosening and humanization of death, but not credible if you want to apply to a character who should be a demigod whose job should be to judge men for their lives and for the effective fulfillment of their intentions. Mr. Chiba passes missions to pronounce sentences deep, deep to the maximum as the bathtub of my mother's house, to respond vaguely to his dog that keeps asking account of his work, to be completely set aside the wisdom of the female protagonist in the final film. Mr. Chiba reacts to positive datigli the characters in the form of painful lessons of life with silent scenes worthy of a gorilla in a suit and tie who listens to a lesson in philosophy ... This film is a
version when compared to an almost comical attempt by the Western cinema of the nineties to humanize the death, always with a handsome, but blond named Brad Pitt. The film we are talking about is "Meet Joe Black", 1998, directed by Martin Brest. Although even that was crap un'emerita likely only to pump the beautiful fall in love with Brad and make millions of girls, there was felt a different way of dealing with profound themes such as death, and then the character played by the beautiful Brad proved highly educated, serious and prepared in a lot of concepts, just as it should be a demigod (I'm damned, I'm really talking about how it should be a demi-god ...), and then didiamocelo is also the daughter of his broom victim is a large, light years from the gorilla Kaneshiro.
Interesting to note how light (or care?) Japanese dash of very deep and important issues from a spiritual point of view. Domistrazione once again that the Japanese spirituality is completely different from ours, especially in the mix of symbols from different religions in the opening scene, for example, a Shinigami, but the basic concept imported in some way derived from Shinto deity is rare Buddhist cerimoina that witnessing the funeral of a Christian girl who has just sent to another world. You can groped a deeper vision of the film by analyzing its imperfection Shinigami of the same, in practice, is intended only to make two decisions: After an investigation, including "suspend" or "proceed" with the death of the victim, an event apparently decided to be an inevitable fate that the spirit of death can only delay, but not avoided. That death is not the result of divine intervention but a simple need in a lifetime event? That everything is based on the blind law of life? And then the black dog, the spirit of Mr. Chiba controller: the black dog in English mythology is associated with the devil or the spirits of the dead since the medieval demonology (who also has read "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle knows what speak) ... but the dog in the film is very unlucky and mounting makes it even comical at times for his condition, also for the spirit which is of extreme inpotenza is to manage the events, that in managing the Shinigami that has been assigned. I believe strongly that the author, 伊 坂 幸 太郎 ( Isaka Kotar ), apart from the scene where Chiba wonders why death is represented by a black spirit with a sickle, perhaps not used this symbolism consciously or if ' has sought to sdrammattizzare all in a comic, partly because the Japanese would not understand the nuances of us fearing Catholic education has taught us to notice. I think we can safely relelgare this plot quell'accozzaglia to religious symbols and for our aforementioned oblivious and obtuse Catholic sensibility even venial blasphemy of a company, the Japanese, who never had his true religious identity (and this is one of his great merits)
We also say that the crows are all done in computer graphics and feel sorry for them? Apart from the main character, are the supporting cast to make the film: the so-called victims take the stage, all the characters are beautifully managed, and the ending is cute too. But I free from my endless speeches and leave you to face this idiot of Kaneshiro poster ...
Sweet Rain - 死神 の 精度 (Sweet Rain . Shinigami No Seido - Sweet Rain. The accuracy of the spirit of death)
Japan, 2008 - directed by 笕 昌 也 ( Kakehi Masaya )
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