Four separate stories temporally and physically, but united by a thin thread:
Year 1972: a punk band invents a year before its official invention, but no one but a girl in a bar if they notice (the girl will remain the sole and only appearance) ...
Year 1982: A student with no balls Schiavetto ago by a man who lo domina, e si accorge a sue spese di quanto possa essere duro essere senza palle...
Anno 2009: una studentessa delle superiori si addormenta su un traghetto senza poter scendere nell'attracco a Tokyo: sarà costretta a pazientare fino all'isola di Hokkaido, ma farà amicizia con uno strano cameriere...
Anno 2012: mancano 5 ore alla fine del mondo, una cometa si shianterà su Tokyo, e due commessi di un negozio di dischi e un indisponente avventore con un cancro in stadio terminale aspettano l'ora ascoltando musica...
La trama è fitta e complessa, le storie si collegano tra di loro in maniera a volte geniale e sorprendente, is impossible to say more without spoilers. Koutaro novel by Isaka, Fish Story is a gut time, my opinion managed to clumsily: an excellent material and a great person, great photo, but the composition of the various stories the film disrupts the interest which the story but of course could generate. It is a collage uniform, and some stories take precedence over the other heavily. The ability of some actors, Nao Omori, Moriyama Mirai etc. save some of this film, but it remains a bitter taste due to the lack of other evidence of acting (the young Mikako Tabe, very good at doing the little boy in hinoki (2005, Akiyama Takahiko), it seems no carburetor, yet there are many good young actresses in Japan ...), and time you switch to no avail in the room. It seems that the major work out of the whip is not conducive to Nakamura. I would like to see what many call his cult: アヒル と 鴨 の コインロッカー ( Ahiru to kamo no koinrokkâ - The Coin Locker of the Duck and Drake), 2007.
フィッシュストーリー ( Fisshu Sutoorii - Fish Story)
Japan, 2009, directed by Yoshihiro Nakamura
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