sky of love (Koizora - Il Cielo Dell'Amore)
Avevo sentito già diverse volte parlare di questo film, l'avevo disponibile in videoteca ma mai avevo concretizzato la sua visione, forse perchè durante l'esame di uno spezzone per il test dei sottotitoli avevo visto un tipo orrendo dai capelli talmente biondi che sin dall'inizio ho sentito antipatia nei suoi confronti... e non mi sbagliavo.
Siamo dentro ad uno di quei treni locali che attraversano la campagna Giapponese. Mika, seduta vicino al finestrino, crea degli origami and think of a man, a man who has changed her life forever. Mika looks tired, as if returning from a war, and in fact has been through a lot, too.
Dodge back seven years: Mika is the first year of high school, it's been three months into the school. Mika is in the bathroom with her short skirt, you put a gloss on the lips is not still in love, and do not really know where to start. Then one day his eyes met with that of a boy, a kind of pixie-blond leading the Japanese currency as a thug and is going steady with another type of full pearcing named Nozomu, which seems too a hoodlum. What seems to end there. Mika loses his cell phone in the library, this is found by a stranger who puts it in one of the shelves, making sure to delete all contacts of the girl and take her number. Begins a kind of stalking, he said his name was "secret," and Mika begins a long distance relationship that takes more and more, until they meet. Mika When you realize you have in front of the blond, run scared, he insists until you come along and explodes the ammmore.
I just can not go forward, not to be spoilers, but from here on will really Mika many joys, along with many troubles, say more trouble that joy.
Now: the film is based on ケータイ 小説 (keitai Shosetsu - novel by phone) entitled 恋 空 ~ 切 ナイ 恋 物語 ( Koizora: Setsunai Koi Monogatari - The Sky Of Love : The History of Sorrowful) is a kind of autobiographical novel written by a certain 美嘉 ( Mika), a very unlucky girl really have happened if all the things you see in the movie because she states that the story is totally invented. The series of novels has reached 25 million electronic readers, and this was taken in 2007 this film, and in 2008 a drama in six episodes. The film adaptation is in all respects a 纯爱 ( Jun-ai - true love) and respects the canons: sad love story, death or disease in various rivers and tears.
I must say that I like 纯爱 ( Jun-ai - true love), but I do the "Vincenzo Mollica the contrary" of the situation, saying from the beginning that this movie is not nice . And I explain why in the following points:
1) Too much crippled, as they say old essays, and here this saying has never been so appropriate: the girl goes way too much trouble, so many that the story borders on the ridiculous. A story with so much trouble should turn in a completely different way, perhaps using the real drama and the drama school youth, and not in Japan because such problems do not exist, but because in my opinion is not cinematically believable.
2) The honey-like expressions of poetry recited by actors awkwardly kids who play "adult" kids and saturated with color photography, installation almost drama (see also paragraph "6" in this regard ), the voice-overs and other things come up against the power of extreme gravity and painful topics.
3) I love 新 垣 结 衣 ( Aragaki Yui ), since the drama マイ ★ ボス マイ ★ ヒーロー (My Boss My Hero), which is beautiful co-star, but after seeing her I think this film is not exactly the height of film interpretation, and it would be really better that focuses on the drama: of course after seeing a Jun-Ai with controcoglioni entitled ただ, 君 を 愛し てる ( Tada, Kimi Wo Ai Shiteru - Simply, I Love You ), with a "real actress" named 宮崎 あおい ( Miyazaki Aoi), watching Koizora grow exponentially boredom and discontent.
4) will be that after years of Japanese film I've seen a lot of stories, but this film is obvious from the beginning, I had already guessed the ending before the end of first half: no there are concrete ideas in this adaptation.
5) If there is one thing that I understand Japanese film and the bottom appreciated so far, is that the sexual act in all its forms, from the kiss, the caress pushed to the full report, or omitted facts are absolutely always imagine the viewer, but here you go sull'esplicito, explicit unpleasant materialized both in the images in the stories of the voiceover: I've always loved the Jan-Ai is the purity of the sensory loving relationship, distilling the essence of which only feeling this Japanese film in my personal experience has been able to express . We are light years from the poetry of dell'Iwai Love Letter, and the raw visual power of the Yukisada Sekachu: Norihiro Koizumi even a 26-year-old has done better in 2006 with the best Debut Tayou no Uta .
6) The stranger Natsuki Imai, director of this film, has done more to life than drama, and his inexperience in the whole film feels like a film shot this micro-drama.
7) Never as in this case, the theme of death is exploited and abused in order to resolve the plot.
8) Jun-often in the comic and there is a small component sdrammatizzante, but here, nada.
There are some positive points, such as certain bars, but everything else is like flatness and especially women (ask Shiho that has not stopped crying).
恋 空 (Koizora - The Sky Of Love)
Japan, 2007 - Directed by Natsuki Imai