drop (Drop)
Hiroshi, un tranquillo studente di un liceo privato giapponese, nel pieno dell'enfasi generata dalla sua passione per i manga, decide di emulare its heroes moving paper in a public school dominated by gangs in order to affiliate with one of them. His new hairstyle makes him not quite conventional now dominant target of the school band, leading immediately to a confrontation with the head of the same, Tatsuya. Hiroshi is not 'some good with his fists, in fact does just punishment, and the meeting turns into a massacre.
Perseverance of the bizarre but newcomer 'hits the bully Tatsuya, who at the end of the meeting invited him to eat a bowl of Ramen. The rest of the band remained on the sidelines during the fight, joined in the feast: human Mörike are the hammer, the baby-ciccio Wanko and Playboy " Lupin", which also provvede al pagamento del pasto grazie ai proventi delle sue ruberie. tra Hiroshi e la banda, e soprattutto con Tetsuya nasce una profonda amicizia che li leghera' e li portera ad affrontare, uniti, tutti i "nemici" che sbarreranno loro la strada, in quello che soprattutto per Hiroshi sara' un duro percorso di crescita.
Il film è tratto dal fumetto disegnato da 鈴木ダイ( Suzuki Dai ), scritto dal regista 品川祐( Shinagawa Hiroshi ) ed ispirato fedelmente al romanzo autobiografico dello stesso Shinagawa (tutte le opere hano lo stesso titolo, ドロップ ( Doroppu - Drop)). Shinagawa Hiroshi, son of a wealthy businessman and fan of manga-based stories of thugs, he moved to a public school in order to live like his heroes: Hiroshi is his namesake and somewhat fanciful alter ego. those who come to Japan for the first time through this kind of entertainment products, talk about manga, anime and movies based on stories of bullying, could easily get the wrong idea about Japanese youth. For several months I am working on a study on bullying in Japan still do not have the final results but I can say that the space reserved for the media activities at this sad social phenomenon and 'oversized compared to the full extent of it, which really does not differ as features of reality to us more' family members, such as the Italian one: a brief consultation with my girlfriend, Shiho , allowed me to understand that even with regard to bullying, we are still sull'esagerazione. This does not mean that the thugs do not exist, but their scope of action especially at school level is extremely limited, both for the harsh repression of the leaders, either because a school is not just Japanese space nor time to waste society, which are promptly removed from these environments. I reietti sono soliti affiliarsi poi alle bande di motociclisti o di 右翼団体( Uyoku Dantai - Gruppi di estrema destra). Penso che il signor Shinagawa sia rimasto deluso dalla realtà scoperta nella scuola pubblica in cui si era trasferito per fare a botte e vivere come i suoi beniamini.
Ma prendendo il genere nippo-teppista come puro entertainment, ci si può divertire davvero tanto, e le spettatrici possono trovare una vasta varietà di idol di cui immamorarsi. Non è certo un lavoro facile poi quello dell'idol Giapponese: non si tratta di recitare un po' alla rinfusa senza avere idea di cosa sia la recitazione stessa (vedi i nostrani Scamarcio & co.), the majority of Japanese attoruccioli the big states (not counting when they do the nasty fake laugh), and is a full-time job because in most cases must also sing and dance to the tail markings, as does成 宫 寛 贵 ( Narimiya "face slap" Hiroki ), the interpreter of the character of Hiroshi, perfect in his role and really good (but delayed in " tears"). Even the interpreter of the character of Tetsuya, 水嶋 ヒロ ( Hiro Mizushima), born 斉 藤 智 裕 ( Tomohiro Saito), is one of the most 'famous US-Japan Bellucci the moment.
My impression after screening was that of a poor balance between the important moments of the film, ie the part " hooliganism" and "human " definitely separated temporally in ' period of two hours of film and perhaps too little fused together: I think it is easy to condense into two hours of a manga film, whereas the film version of this story is very realistic (even end up in some scenes with fading original art from the manga by Suzuki). A film still fun, playful and innocent even in its own violence, and always pleasant for a relaxing non-lethal of all the fighting (in this respect, despite the abundance of blood and bandages, recalls the atmosphere of a little film with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill), and capable of daring leaps and absolutely credible deep moral in my opinion worthy of an evening screenings in the Far East Festival, and instead relegated to the morning. Would be worth it just for the cameo of 哀 川 翔 ( Aikawa Shō ) and 远藤 宪 一 ( Endo Kenichi ), the first he plays a cop and the second a former yakuza, two great actors (fantastic skirmish between the two shots bakayaro ).
drop ( Doroppu - Drop)
Giappone, 2008 - regia di Yuji Shinagawa ( Shinagawa Hiroshi )
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