We enormous 东城 大学 医学 部 付 属 病院 ( Daigaku Igakubu Fuzoku Byōin Tojo - Tojo University Hospital), a fictional hospital in the outskirts of Tokyo. Here by a famous cardio-surgical team applied an innovative and apparently successful method in open-heart surgery. The team, after the incredible success in resolving cases of desperate people who have brought prestige to the entire healthcare facility, begins to lose patients to death in the operating room. Dr. Kimiko Taguchi, passionate softball player as well as quiet harmless and psychologist, is responsible for querying various team members, to try to understand the causes of this alarming and unexplained series of deaths. His investigation ends with an innocent verdict of acquittal in respect of the team, seemingly powerless against those who are established as accidental deaths. Meanwhile, the Ministry comes Keisuke Shiratori, an investigator appointed to investigate the affair. Shiratori will stir throughout the hospital with his impulsiveness that will not just an awkward one to shy Taguchi, but that will bring a new light on the events.
As I said before チーム バチスタ の 栄光 ( Chiimu Bachisia No Eiko - The Glory of Team Batista) is a film that simply does his duty: to entertain and make money: it is proven that a car with no Japanese blood of yellow and without violence. Adapted from the novel by 海 堂 尊 ( Takeru Kaido ), is at the end a very long episode of "Murder, She Wrote , where my grandmother second Angela Lansbury solving crimes all over the place (I've always been convinced that bring bad luck wherever he went because we escaped the dead), but the caliber of actors, production billionaire and a modern and intriguing story make this film a great movie with yellow edges of comedy. I personaggi, pur di contorno, sono ottimamente definiti e ognuno di loro ha un suo misterioso carisma: 竹内結子( Takeuchi Yūko ), che interpreta la dottoressa Taguchi è incredibilmente dolce nella sua sincera goffaggine; 阿部寛( Abe Hiroshi ), che interpreta il politico Shiratori non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni, e qui sfoggia una faccia da schiaffi da primato e riesce a dare al suo personaggio una potenza carismatica non indifferente: penso che questo film non sarebbe nulla senza di lui. E a quanto pare anche la sanità Giapponese ha le sue magagne, e forse anche a questo scottante tema si deve la grande affluenza di pubblico.
Divertente, intrigante, passa via in un lampo.
チーム・バチスタの栄光( Chiimu Bachisuta No Eiko - La gloria del Team Batista)
Giappone, 2008 - Regia di Yoshihiro Nakamura
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