The beauty of the site chosen and the relative simplicity of the output is the ideal
FOR EVERYONE who would approach the SKI .
The output is designed precisely to allow those who want to try this sport to do so in a simple and secure.
If you like climbing a little bit tough but very rewarding in terms of scenic and natural beauty, the rise to Mt father is definitely for you. A short walk, in fact, you can earn one of the most scenic mountains of the Valtellina, mail, as it is, happy and strategic position in the long ridge that separates the high Valtellina, in the stretch Tirano-Gros, high Valcamonica . 360 ° View GUARANTEED !!!!! We
accompanied by the President of CAI Valtellina (mountaineering instructor)!
Excellent opportunity to have fun, meet new people and learn something about mountaineering and mountain safety (we'll explain the use of transceivers with a few small demonstration)
FOR EVERYONE who would approach the SKI .
The output is designed precisely to allow those who want to try this sport to do so in a simple and secure.
If you like climbing a little bit tough but very rewarding in terms of scenic and natural beauty, the rise to Mt father is definitely for you. A short walk, in fact, you can earn one of the most scenic mountains of the Valtellina, mail, as it is, happy and strategic position in the long ridge that separates the high Valtellina, in the stretch Tirano-Gros, high Valcamonica . 360 ° View GUARANTEED !!!!! We
accompanied by the President of CAI Valtellina (mountaineering instructor)!
Excellent opportunity to have fun, meet new people and learn something about mountaineering and mountain safety (we'll explain the use of transceivers with a few small demonstration)

MEETING: parking Policampus (Sondrio) HOURS: 7.30
DEPARTURE: church Trivigno 8.30 (who wants to can come directly to the departure) EQUIPMENT: Ski Mountaineering (easily rented) transceiver required (for those had not, we have a number for you, simply inform us by mail)
---- E 'REQUEST A fairly technical ski slopes ----
giovani@cai.sondrio.it by March 19
Participation is free and voluntary exits, the organization is not responsible for accidents or injury. CAI for non-members should take out special insurance policy. If you are interested please email at least a few days before giovani@cai.sondrio.it object "SKI INSURANCE. The cost is 3.50 and per capita
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