The emotion to keep the Magic in the hands of Gonzalez |
friends also serve this, to give you an emotion . Albis is a back months ago from the Italian Cup Subbuteo with an unexpected gift, the most precious gift, the gift that everyone would receive under the tree. The Magic of Cadiz CF Gonzalez version of subbuteo. It 's my Christmas present in LB.
The doll of Magic has something really magical. First, I lined up the team on the field and he was not there in the box. It was in the living room. He slept. Drunk. We played with ten men throughout the first half and we ended up under three goals against Manchester City (which is also willing to Lazio, Napoli and Cyprus). I had lost hope, partly because the giant snowman that beats the punishment was more vague than usual. Even the fans from steps railed against myself. Fortunately, he arrived in the interval. It was out of beer, two cigarettes, ate a bag of fried chipirones, called Camaron appointment to give him after the game, and then asked me to play the second half, but without heating.
Of course, I said.
In the second half there was no story. Magico Gonzalez to the doll just have one slight schicchera and thinks him to miss three men and do a lob the goalkeeper (known as the keepers of Subbuteo have big problems when it comes to moving vertically). So he scored two goals, but then the game is stata interrotta prima della fine perchè a mia madre serviva la tavola per la cena di stasera. Ho raccolto tutto in fretta e furia e ho messo via. Poi però ho guardato meglio nella scatola del Cadiz C.F. e mancava un giocatore. Quel giocatore.
Mi sono girato, e l'ho trovato a letto. Nel mio letto. Fumava e beveva birra Alhamabra. Non era solo, ma in compagnia di una ragazza coi capelli lunghi e l'accento andaluso. Dalla maniera in cui mi guardavano ho capito inequivocabilmente che era meglio se uscivo dalla stanza. Succede sempre così con lui.
Dovunque ti trovi adesso, caro Màgico, ti auguro buon Natale.
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God bless |
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