alternative uses of an album Sandwiches
So, do not buy an album by various Panini time now, not because they think I'm too grown up, indeed, the album still has on me quite a charm and I do not deny that a part of me yearning to try to finish it (there have never failed! is that these are childhood traumas that can wake up the serial killer who is in you). Yes, unfortunately I remember when the figurines cost 300 pounds a packet (up to remind me 500 pounds), now I do not know the price (I assume disproportionate), also the distortion of the roses in the window market in January farebbe demordere il più incallito dei nerd calcistici(parlo della vecchia guardia). Non sono qua per fare amarcord parlando di album,quello è un qualcosa che lascio volentieri a Dionigi,capace di tirare fuori un post strappalacrime di tre pagine sulla capigliatura di
Gianpietro Piovani in una figurina del 1996(inserendo peraltro nel post almeno una volta le parole Working Class e Albinoleffe),sono qua perché davanti allo stadio la scorsa partita distribuivano l'album 2010-2011,un buon pretesto per un post,già ma quale?. Potevo creare un altra stucchevole invettiva contro il calcio moderno, magari infilando qualche altro ex giocatore del Milan per far infervorare lo Zio e soprattutto parlare del Doria per far capire a Kalle che I learned my lesson (I'll wait for the pass to your first mistake ... obviously joking in both cases). None of this, I simply took the place of birth to form regional selections, why? For 3 good reasons, that is, I have a beloved (I leave to you the most appropriate word to be added) to do, I hate the neutral years between global and European demand that is filled with something (think of how nice a "World" of the region) and above all I am a anticchia sfranto what I heard about the most precious of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, when we know that the only thing that keeps this country is LB, cream-to Salerno, via Milan, Rome, Sicily, Liguria, Basilicata, Marche and everything else. Be FLEXIBLE, training programs are not perfect, the modules may not like, let alone players, but I opened this post just to discuss it. Obviously, I took the liberty of placing several players like Perry and G. Rossi born outside the borders, or even leaving Balotelli in Sicily for the sake of staff (when he is more of Brescia
Wuhrer). It is thus to explore the imagination and the class of Campania, Lombardy so full of players that was enough to set one more to complete the pink, with only external defense of Abruzzo, Marche country of attackers, Lazio complete in all parts of Tuscany, land of doormen, the difficulty to become athlete level in Basilicata and Calabria in which everyone wants to play in midfield. I could also include the various mysteries, but I avoided it with a lot of teams have been forced to a certain number of modules that could not adapt to the style of the hypothetical coach. This is obviously only of players from Serie A and B and the C would have probably finished all the roses, but would have failed my mental clarity. made this quick and fun premise LB alive! work! and freedom! (this was for Gegen)
CAMPANIA (4-3-3): Sorrentino, Abate, F. Cannavaro, P. Cannavaro, Criscito, Nocerino, Migliaccio, Maresca, Di Natale, Quagliarella, Borriello . to Format: Mirante, Grava, Molinaro, Foggia, Busch Palladino, Floro Flores.Altri: Iezzo, Belardi, S. Masiello, Lauro, Sardo, Banner, Vives, Schiattarella, Pagano, Lodi.
EMILIA-ROMAGNA (4-4-2): Sereni, Zaccardo, Ferrari, Gamberini, Santon, Brighi, Biondini, Cigarini, Munari, Toni, Inzaghi others: M. Rossi, Ceccarelli, Zoboli, AndreolliRivalta, Manfredini, Pulzetti, Siligardi, Casarini, Dessena Bombardini, Lovisa, D. Succi, Pozzi, Abbruscato
LAZIO (4-4-2): Amelia, Moretti, Nesta, Bonucci, De Silvestri, Pepe, De Rossi, Aquilani Cerci, Totti, Di Vaio to disp: Curci, Ogbonna, Portanova, Palombo, Candreva, Tiribocchi, Macheda.Altri: Terlizzi, Bovo M. Pisano, Rosi, Domizzi, D'Alessandro, Conti, Marchionni, Blasi, Liverani, Galloppa Greek, Finzi, Crow, The Michael Moscardelli.
LOMBARDY (4-3-1-2): Abbiati, Dossena, Biava, Bonera, Drawers, Mauri, Montolivo, Brocchi, Pirlo, Caracciolo, Matri.A available: Castellazzi, Zambrotta, Natali, Lazzari, Guana, Paloschi , White. Other: Antonioli, Pelizzoli, Agazzi, Frying Pan, Arcari, Bega, ZambelliDallamano, Canini, Astori, Perico, Motta, Santacroce, Antonini, Antonelli, Lucchini, Mutarelli, BudelPinardi, Word, Gobbi.
PIEDMONT (4-2-3-1): Squizz, Cassani, Ariaudo, Hunter, Balzaretti, Marchisio, Milanetto, Semioli, Giovinco, Lanzafame, GIlardino.Altri: Mantovani, Pasquale, ComottoGasbarroni, Acquafresca, Maccarone.
PUGLIA (4-3-3): Narciso, Morley, Materazzi, Legrottaglie, Power, Patience, G. Colucci, Delvecchio, Miccoli, Cassano, Amoruso.A available: D'Addario, A. Esposito, Camisa, Mesto, L. Colucci, Iunco, Ventola.Altri: Abruzzese, Anaclerio, Della Rocca, Moro, Coach, Caputo, Vantaggiato
SICILY (3-4-3 ):------, Perna, Rinaudo, Lisuzzo, German , Sciacca, Ciaramitaro, D'Agostino, Mascara, Balotelli, Calaio.Altri: Aronica, Accardi, Parisi, Mazzotta, Scurto, Rizzo, Tripoli, Misuraca, Foti.
TUSCANY (4-3-1-2): Buffon, Agostini, Chiellini, Barzagli, A. Masiello, Biagianti, M. Rossi, Bentivoglio, Diamonds, Pazzini, Mastronunzio. Facilities: Storari (Viviano) Daines, Pieri, Mannini, Zanetti C. Lucarelli, Giaccherini. Other: Berni, Vivian, A. Lucarelli, Coda, Word, Marianini, R. Taddei, Corals, Dumitru, Corradi.
VENETO (4-3-3): Marchetti, Pasqual, Gastaldello, Malaga, May, Poli, Donadel, magpies, Del Piero, Masiello, Rocchi. Other: Campagnolo, Shoes, Benussi, Giuliatto, Rubin, Biasi, L. Rigoni, N, Rigoni, Volpato.
CALABRIA (3-4-1-2): Garner, Modesto, Cosenza, Bellusci, Belmonte, Gattuso, Morrone, Perrotta, Rosina, Iaquinta, Floccari. Other: Soon, Caserta, Ceravolo, Castile, Giampà, Missiroli, Barilla, Viola, Pellicori, Cacia, Sculli. LE OTHER ABRUZZO-Goalkeepers: De Sanctis-Defense: Del Grosso, Grosso, Oddo, Zanon, Ciofani, Micolucci-Midfielders: Veratti Luisi, Di Matteo, Agomeri Antonelli, Di Donato, Samson-Forwards: G. Rossi? MOLISE-Forwards: Antenucci, G. Rossi? BASILICATA-Defenders: Josiah, Saturday. VALLE D'AOSTA: De Ceglie, Fusani (CEN), Pellissier. UMBRIA: Lupatelli. Defenders: Frog, Petterini, Catacchini. Midfielders: Baio, Happy, Manganelli, Testini. Forwards: Okaka, Campagnacci, Trademarks. Trentino South Tyrol: Orlandoni-Midfielders: Laner, Scavone.Attaccanti-De Gasperi. SARDINIA: Sirigu, Pinna.Francesco Pisano (dif). Midfielders: Cossu, Guberti, Coconut, Bread. Ragatzu (att) MARCHE-Defenders: Paci, Mei.Centrocampisti: Ambrosini, Piangerelli, Bonaventure, Giorgi, De Falco, Marques. Forwards: Possanzini, Right, Marilungo, Paponi, Bucchi, Paolucci. LIGURIA-Goalkeepers: Bass, Puggioni. Defenders: Iorio White Cottafavi. Midfielders: Marcolini, Del Nero, Vergassola, F. Moretti, Bass. Lizzari (att) FRIULI-Goalkeepers: Tomasig-Defenders: Calderoni, Cristante. Midfielders: Padoin, Donati, Mattielig, Scozzarella. Forwards: Simone Motta, Noselli, Godeas, Gerardi.