No, not the triangle, I've never seen, heard about the Bermuda Islands (ok it is wrong to call them that), I do not think the cursed and mysterious triangular stretch of ocean that many ships and has disappeared into thin air and I do not think even the tax haven, the villa of Silvio pantalonicini or when I hear the word I think Bermuda only and only to one thing, or rather to a person, Shaun Goater. The City has always exerted a magnetic appeal for me, that his sister be uncomfortable for a winning team and famous all over the world, that his genuine supporters, defiant, ironic ever envious of the fortunes of the red devils, those championships e quelle coppe vinti in bianco e nero,che ormai si ricordano solo grazie ad ingialliti ritagli di giornale gelosamente custoditi nei cassetti delle case dei supporters più anziani ,quel suo galleggiare a stento nell'elite del calcio inglese,contrapposta poi a chi arrogantemente ha sempre dominato in lungo e in largo per la perfida Albione. Andando a scuola immaginavo i miei pari età del City derisi dai "Loro" compagni in rosso,loro con quel merchandising indossato da orde di orientali o di coattelli di casa nostra ,"Loro"con quello sponsor sulla maglia importante e quei giocatori che sembravano usciti da una boy band alla Beckham. Ero solidale e tutte queste storie nella mia testa verranno in seguito confermate da Jimmy Grimble(non nego l'importanza tale of this movie in my conversion), with the splendid final scene, which fully embodies the spirit of the Citizens of the united front of the disgusting arrogance. The real spark that creates an everlasting love and unbreakable to these colors, snaps, however, as often happens, thanks to a match played on November 9th 2002. But I prefer to go in order. Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda is a small pearl-kissed Caribbean Sea, we speak of an earthly paradise as well as tax, the classic place with no cases of extreme poverty, in other words speak for themselves, if you are not forced, there is no reason to leave a place similar. If you are born footballer, the son of a football player you dream that can not be quello di arrivare a praticare questo sport al più alto livello possibile,specie se vivi e cresci dove il calcio può essere al massimo un divertente passatempo. Il giovane Shaun è ambizioso e parte così neanche maggiorenne per il New Jersey,ottenendo grazie al calcio una borsa di studio alla Columbia High University. Caso vuole che uno Scout dello United lo noti e lo ritenga degno di un provino in terra inglese. Deve averci visto davvero lungo l'osservatore visto che al Tempo Goater era ancora un regista e non una punta. Arrivato a Manchester,tuttavia non riuscirà mai ad arrivare in prima squadra. Nel 1989 Goater si trasferisce al Rotherham,un posto tanto distante e tanto diverso da Hamilton,il freddo la mancanza del sole e dell'oceano,Shaun tentenna,ma remains for seven years in Yorkshire. With the Millers scored more than 80 networks and earns an overlap of the most prestigious Bristol City. Two years of Bristol with a defeat to the playoffs and next season (which will culminate in the promotion) played leading up to March 26, 1998 date of its signing for Manchester City. In City played the last seven races of the season going to score 3 times but escaped relegation. Goater then back to Manchester skyblues bank in the hardest moments in the history of the company with the first (and last) in the third relegation British series (now League One .. The City was the first team to have won a European Cup to finish in a third national series.). The following year, the City and Goater (21 Seasonal networks) now find themselves playing the Championship to the rigors Gillinghamm in the final playoff . Shaun spent a year and is exceeded, the
throws 29 times in the City and return to the Premier, June 21 in Bermuda is established the Shaun Goater Day Goat is now a national monument. The City that while they have already started plans for the new stadium, is bringing great things to Manchester Weah and Wanchope, Goater will have to wait more than two months to debut in the English top division, will close the season with 11 goals, top scorer his team, that's not enough to avoid another painful relegation. The following year Keegan arrives, fresh from his non- positiva esperienza come manager della nazionale di sua maestà ad euro 2000. Shaun l decide di entrare per sempre nella storia del City segnando 31 goal in una stagione,battendo il record di Francis Lee(uno degli eroi della coppa coppe conquistata al Prater) e regalando ai citizens l'immediato ritorno in Premier league. E siamo a quel famoso 9 Novembre 2002,è Sabato e a Maine Road va in scena il derby di Manchester numero 127. Non me la sarei persa per nulla al mondo,in religioso silenzio davanti al televisore,dopo anni passati a seguire il campionato dell'altra faccia di Manchester da tabellini trovati qua e la. Passano solo 4 minuti Anelka ruba palla,scambia con Goater che tira,Barthez non trattiene e sempre Nicolas Anelka appoggia in porta per il momentaneo advantage. The joy did not last even 3 minutes Solkjaer freezes the Maine Road, City seems to be the usual script ... but. On 26 minutes Gary Nevile (poster nerve United) complete with a captain's armband in the absence of Beckham, he falls asleep with the ball between his feet on the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area, Shaun Goater pounces like a hawk on the ball, wins, points to the door and Barthez is 2 to 1. They spend just five minutes into the second half Shaun finds himself alone in front of Barthez after action started with a throw from left of Israel Berkovic, Goater just touches it, a slight Scavetta (today spoon, spoon fact) that sits quietly behind Barthez is the goal number 100 with maglia citizens per Goater che portandosi l'indice al naso zittisce i sostenitori dei Red Devils, è il goal che dopo 13 anni restituisce il derby alla sponda celeste di Manchester ,è il goal dell'ultimo impressionante boato di uno stracolmo Maine Road. 13 anni ovvero dal 1989 che il City non riusciva a portare a casa la vittoria in una stracittadina,1989 l'anno dell'arrivo di Goater allo United. Questo non è il primo ricordo che ho del City,ma è sicuramente il ricordo più nitido ed emozionante,quella partita,quella vittoria,quel faccione bermudiano che sorride con quello spazio tra i denti mentre alle spalle si scatena la bolgia dei tifosi,mi ha fatto innamorare. In quella stagione Goater segnerà il goal più veloce Premier substitute for a player off the bench, it will take only nine seconds. Shaun will close the year with 7 goals to actively contributing to the ninth of Citizens (valid for a place in the UEFA Fair Play). mid-season number 10 had announced that he would leave Manchester, the last game of the season against Southampton Goater wearing the captain's armband will be his last appearance with the skyblues and will be the last game in history played at Maine Road that after 80 years of honorable and glorious career close its doors. That same year, Goater was awarded the title of member of the British Empire for his services in the field of sport. From that season onwards the City will begin its mutation, 4 years pass and the money will come Shinawatra of Thailand, then Sheikh Mansur. Shaun Goater after a couple of seasons at Reading, one in Coventry, Southend and one in the 2 to Bermuda Hogges (Team, which he founded) in 2008 has left the football. Today he is chairman of its Bermuda Hogges playing in Serie C American. The City of today is one of the world's top teams, coveted by the majority of players around the world with a powerful reminder of petrodollars, not a greater risk than the third series, moving the final play of the playoffs, today, his opponents called Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Port Vale and Gillingham, fighting for first place and win the derby is no longer a company. Those with £ 400,000 in 1998 now costs Goater not buy either the pool of reserves. All this was possible thanks to their promotion goal. Today, the Maine Road seems to have become a palace, Shaun Hamilton from his watching to the ocean probably still hear that roar absurd after the third goal and that chorus that shook the old Maine Road "Feed the Goat and he will score" , and then now you understand why he heard about Bermuda, the first thing that comes to my mind can not be that damn triangle, but the large face and infectious smile of Leonard Shaun "The Goat" Goater .
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