As for Porthos, after throwing the powder keg in the midst of enemies, he fled, following the advice of Aramis, and reached the last room of the cave, which penetrated through the 'opening, the air, on the day and the sun So when he had just turned the corner that separated the third quarter of ambente, saw a hundred yards from the boat itself rocked by the waves, and there were his friends, and there was freedom; there life after victory. Six more of his great strides and had left the time, outside of time, two or three vigorous outbursts, and would reach the vessel. Suddenly, he felt his knees flex: its knees seemed empty, wilted legs under him.
- Oh! oh, murmured surprised me is that my fatigue is back on and I can not walk! What does this mean?
through the opening, Aramis saw him and did not understand why we stop at that.
- Come, Porthos! Cried Aramis, Come! Come, quick!
- Oh, said the giant, making a vain effort that strained every muscle in his body, not I can not.
Alexandre Dumas, The Viscount Bragelonne .
Gabriel Omar Batistuta, Friuli in the province of Santa Fe, had (still has, but you do not see a lot more) green eyes and wide smile of honest people, those who wake up in the morning serene and hungry and are preparing a huge breakfast. That
some morning, however, after the breakfast to his wife Irina have noticed an unusual flash of concern in those clear eyes, perhaps have even asked what was wrong, but Batistuta - piccata with the veil of vanity that often people rightly pleased with himself - will replied that there was nothing. Not that you can hide anything from those who know you since you were fifteen years, but precisely because it knows him well, Irina Fernandez has decided not to ask more questions. I think it went well and that the striker has blonde then went to training at Trigoria, still brooding about a strange dream: he dreamed of his ancestor, one of those Cormons, standing in a mountain path, unable to move and I forget the steps you took him up there, as the snow, quietly, covered it. The singular thing, however, was that Batistuta in the dream and was felt in Cormons, and was the man. Later that same morning, Batistuta has received during the practice match a step short of Guigou, and for the first time in his life has stopped for a moment wondering how to kick the ball, allowing easy Zebina advance.
Unlike many children grew up with the ball between his feet, the ball fell in love and decided by professionals not to deprive the company of leather except when strictly necessary, Batistuta was not an enthusiast of the ball, but the joy and glory that this could give if thrown with force and precision. His first idol was Kempes, and that legacy was always evident. Gabriel Omar Batistuta has had with the leather sphere, since a child, a relationship very professional and did not hesitate to hurt her when richiedevano le necessità del gol. Perfino al Nou Camp di Barcellona, uno di quei templi in cui al pallone vanno tributate le più alte lodi, lui si permise di calciarne uno con violenza dentro la porta dei padroni di casa, e di zittire quella folla di esteti con la brutale essenzialità del suo gesto.
Ben presto il giovane Batistuta diventa un'anomalia nel calcio sudamericano, specie a livello giovanile: il suo modo di giocare non conosce vanità né sovrastrutture, e la sua unica funzione, il suo unico interesse è la porta. Ma il suo fisico e forse il suo carattere gli impediscono di diventare un Gerd Müller o un Inzaghi: Batistuta non staziona nei pressi dell'area come un avvoltoio e non si nasconde nelle pieghe del fuorigioco. Lui cerca il pallone, perché gli serve, anche a quaranta metri dalla porta; e quando ha la sfera tra i piedi, non esiste che la rete.

Mi sono chiesto spesso a chi si dovesse paragonare quel centravanti e, anche per via dell'assurda polemica con Passarella che gli ingunse di tagliarsi i capelli per giocare in nazionale, l'ho a volte avvicinato a Sansone: ma vedo ora che Batistuta è Porthos, è l'uomo di forza erculea e di sentimenti diretti, netti, come i suoi tiri da trenta metri. Batistuta è l'uomo che davanti a una palla che rimbalza al limite dell'area non ha dubbi, e la spedisce in rete; anche se quel calcio fa più male alla sua anima tersa che al pallone maltrattato, anche se la porta è to Toldo and he now wears a red shirt and yellow. In some ways, Batista seemed bound to score, and his tenacity and his blind application belonged more to the farmer from Friuli that the South American Champions.
is difficult to sketch an analysis of the career of Batistuta and particularly its nine years in Florence, despite the hoards of goals, despite the technical and even moral depth that stay. You say you would know if Batistuta was right or left handed? I think he pulled simply guided by his strength and by the absolute clarity of its goals, given that he was looking for beauty or self-aggrandizement, but only and only the network. Obviously not all the goals from Batistuta goals were power or shots from a distance, but all were essential, with the ball thrown from where he was to be thrown, without doubts and without flourishes. If anything, with age and with the increase of the security breach the striker has become increasingly similar to a Titan, a force of nature impossible to stem, not even by the powerful gods who watch over San Siro or the old Highbury. Batistuta was the center forward as such, was the mechanism by which a ball placed on a green lawn invariably ended in the bottom of a network. And the Roman Batistuta's first season was the largest of the Titans.
Then one day, the blond demigod he asked, terrified of the things we always thought obvious, how to strike that leather, and has not been able to respond. He stopped, and as in the rockfall that overwhelms Porthos, unable to escape from the explosion that he caused, his career is over in a moment, without limitation, as is the mechanisms that suddenly stop working. And besides the honest and fair Gabriel Omar did not want to pretend, from Serie A rapidly moving to Qatar to retire without having dragged wearily his career for several seasons useless. Today
Batistuta, who returned to Argentina, is a wealthy landowner and plays polo, and who knows if he happens sometimes, while riding along the fields, to ask how these fascinating animals do not ever stop motion unaccountable to their feet and not fall suddenly belly to the ground like an old Friulian falls exhausted on a path along a stream, such as jamming the foot of a titan who for ten years has continued to hurl thunderbolts.
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