Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hashimotos And Broken Capillaries

completely fine (Fine, Totally Fine)

story of two friends' childhood: Teruo, a twelve year old in the body of a thirty year old who loves horror and inventor of terrible jokes, and Hisanobu, brilliant use in a cleaning company that makes the beautiful hospital with all but hates his life as a loser. Take a few weeks of their lives, put in quite a strange girl who loves fish paste wrapped and lose their heads, and you get this strange comedy. Telling the story makes no sense because there is a true story, but there are scenes that will make watching this film a memorable one! It 'a movie made primarily of incredible situations ...

Funny, but insane at the right point without going to the obscene levels of Satoshi Miki uninspired or rather ill-inspired ", Fine Totally Fine is one of those delightful paintings of Japanese comedy film not to be missed. A theatrical film from the pace of which perhaps Kitano is one of the best minds: people on the edge of sanity, or mental health, if you prefer, but in reality specks almost surreal satirical mirror of a society, that Japanese, for our common sense critical gaijin Western poised between unconscious genius and lucid madness. I love getting lost in the insanely long silences of these films: a microcosm in which you can literally live for the short duration of the film.

And then, in which film you could never afford to show an idiot who throws a snots in the eye of a lady without sounding disgustingly idiotic, but rather pleasantly artistic? The modern Japanese film copyright in rare cases, it is capable of beautiful aesthetics and particular in its elegant sophistication, and pleasantly slow pace. No coincidence that this film deserved the podium at the Far East Film Festival number 10. Fundamental notare che il regista Yosuke Fujita è alla sua prima pellicola!! Da seguire senz'altro in futuro!
全然大丈夫 ( Zenzen daijoubu - Fine, Totally Fine)
Giappone, 2008 - regia di Fujita Yosuke

Friday, April 16, 2010

Diffuse And Erythematous Gastritis

L change the WorLd

Ho un ricordo particolare di questo film, è in assoluto la prima pellicola da me vista al Far East Film Festival: era se non sbaglio il 18 aprile del 2008, primo giorno di festival, primo film proiettato. In sala, il regista 中 田秀夫 ( Hideo Nakata), was a few meters from me, how exciting. Will host exciting, the opening of the tenth edition of the festival, the presence of the director and the public, I was delighted to have discovered this new world. The film in that context "junkie" I liked it a lot ...
The events narrated in this film are placed temporarily at the end of the second episode, デスノート The Last Name ( Death Note The Last Name ): Light Yagami is dead and L do 23 days of life, having auto-condannato a morte per distruggere la trama diabolica di Kira. Un agente della stessa agenzia di L muore contagiato da un virus diabolico in Thailandia. Il virus è stato sviluppato in Giappone da un gruppo di cattivoni. l'ideatore del virus, naturalmente buono fa una brutta fine e spedisce sua figlia da Watari, il maggiordomo di L. L si prenderà cura della bambina e indagherà per distruggere il virus e la banda di cattivoni.

Oltre ad essere il mio primo approccio al Far East Film Festival , questo film è stato il mio primissimo approccio alla saga di Death Note. Ho quindi visto questo film senza sapere nulla del quaderno della morte che pure appare in a scene from the film, and knowing for the first time the character of L, played masterfully by 松山 ケン イチ ( Kenichi Matsuyama). L Change The World is a sort of spy story, dressed up with some interesting elements, such as the frenzy to know that [SPOILER] The die soon [SPOILER] with all the implications of the case.
Apart from anything else, although the story a little ridiculous after all, is the character of L to give depth to the film, and it's worth it just for him. He enjoys his relationship with the children co-stars.
very interesting as a "stand-alone movie . The rest is just a money machine and did well his duty to do so. Not very important also to mention the earlier work of the director, famous for the horror saga リング ( Ringu), came to us with the transposition of the American "The Ring" by Gore Verbinski. Here the good Nakata made a purely commercial product, without any major directorial imprint.

L Change the World

Japan, 2008 - directed by 中 田秀夫 ( Hideo Nakata)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How Do You Get Friends On Poptropica


On April 22, 2009, at the headquarters of the CAI Sondrio Via Trieste, was born on Youth Group CAI Valtellinese honored by the presence of National President prof. Hannibal sauce which made especially valuable ee interest the evening.
The group, which cut across the sections and subsections of Valtellina, houses a boys aged 15 to 30 years who share the aim of promoting knowledge of the mountain to their peers through engaging activities that use their language.
As pointed out by the evening of the same constituent prof. Salsa, il CAI negli ultimi anni si sta “gerontizzando”: l’associazione si è cristallizzata attorno alle vecchie leve senza un adeguato ricambio generazionale che gratifichi l’impegno con cui alcune di esse lavorano da anni per trasmettere ai giovani la loro esperienza e passione per la montagna. Ciò può essere parzialmente dovuto allo scarso impiego di nuove forme comunicative (siti internet, blog, social network come “Facebook”, ecc…), in parte alla diffusione di nuovi sport di montagna non ancora debitamente assimilati dal CAI (bouldering, snowboard, canyoning), ma anche, purtroppo, ad una diffusa inerzia verso il cambiamento e il rinnovamento che talvolta sfocia in atteggiamenti poco costruttivi contrast to young people and their initiatives. This is not to generalize, because there are honorable exceptions like, to name one in all, the friend and veteran of the CAI Valtellinese Camillo Della Vedova, who for years has been working to convey to young people's passion.
Another interesting issue addressed by the President Salsa was the importance of anthropogenic and natural heritage of mountain culture and the working knowledge of the area, especially in a province like ours, which is developed in a context dominated range. Although we firmly believe that the land around us is becoming more and more for our peers an "exotic hand" ovvero una zona affrancata da qualsiasi interesse, per la maggior parte sconosciuta e privata di un senso d’appartenenza e valore.
Il nostro gruppo ha come obbiettivo ideale quello di togliere una lente culturale deformante che allontana sempre più i giovani dal "loro" territorio. Questo, a nostro avviso, è il sostrato necessario perché possano fruttificare il rispetto per l’ambiente e l’attenzione verso le problematiche della valle. Infatti, la montagna deve tornare prima di tutto ad essere un luogo da vivere, carico di valore umano ed affettivo.
Crediamo quindi importante l’apporto di un gruppo di giovani appassionati di montagna, che cerchino di capire e scovare quali siano le possibili strade da percorrere per closer to the peers with whom they live closely together and which are familiar with the languages \u200b\u200band social environment.
the youth group was born with statutes, regulations and reporting structure, but already at the first meeting of its members have preferred a dynamic organization, "project", in which everyone can contribute to the various initiatives under the powers, their own AVAILABLE ility and not according to a predetermined role. The division of labor by lightening flexible hierarchical structures perceived as rigid and obsolete allows, in fact, an optimization of time and resources and facilitate the achievement of objectives. First,
has abolished the inner council, preferring a joint relationship between the members; in subsequent meetings, called the program initiatives, have created task forces targeted the precise organization of the individual events. Sure
enormous power of information technologies as they are fully free and has created a blog reference ( and a page on Facebook, two useful tools for wide-ranging and highly visible through which the Group presents and disseminates initiatives.
Every six months, the Group proposes three events that do not want to be like, and thus "competing" with what they already organize the sections of the CAI, but aim to be complementary. In this way they hope to reach a greater number of young actors, and to also be of interest to the usual activities of the CAI.
This offer this summer:

1. Trip Under the Stars at Noon Peak, above Campei (Albosaggia) to know the mountain at night and the constellations of the summer sky;
2. Alta Via della Fontana, thematic itinerary that takes as a reference of "Alte Vie" most fascinating, though little traveled and unknown to many;
3. Pizzo Scotese, a top classical but also little known, to bring gli appassionati al fantastico mondo delle Orobie.

Il 19 dicembre siamo stati parte attiva nella splendida giornata del Sondrio Street Climbing, una manifestazione di bouldering in città che, con budget minimo, ha permesso ad un gran numero di atleti e di non addetti ai lavori di vedere Sondrio teatro di una spettacolare gara di arrampicata. Il pubblico giovanile ha risposto con entusiasmo e con una numerosa partecipazione.

Altrettanto accattivante – lo confermano le presenze – è stata l’offerta per la stagione invernale:

1. Bob Pride, una singolare slittata in maschera in Valmalenco al chiaro di luna, in cui sono stati premiati gli equipaggi più originali; un sabato sera volto a trasmettere la belle zza mysterious nocturnal landscapes of winter, but also to communicate the idea that the mountain can be a place of fun and aggregate alternative.
2. Excursion to the screen, one of the most beautiful panoramic terraces of the mountains, reachable by newcomers;
3. Introduction to skiing, with easy to climb Mount Fathers. One way to allow those who had never tried the experience of touring with an easy out this wonderful sport. Opportunity also to learn some facts about mountain safety.

A promising start that allows us to make significant progress in organizational capacity e che ci ha regalato soprattutto splendide occasioni per vedere la montagna con uno sguardo differente, condividendo il piacere con vecchi e nuovi amici. Vedere la felicità, lo stupore e l’ammirazione per la bellezza della natura negli occhi dei neofiti montanari ci ha ampiamente ripagato di tutti gli sforzi organizzativi sostenuti.
Non abbiamo mai preteso che i partecipanti alle escursioni fossero tesserati al CAI, perché crediamo che queste iniziative debbano essere una vetrina specialmente per chi non ha ancora conosciuto la montagna. Vogliamo insomma che il CAI, più che un organo politico ed elitario, torni ad essere quello strumento di divulgazione che ne ha fatto un club di grande fortuna negli anni passati. Riteniamo, quindi, che l’iscrizione should be an added value, heard by the person as a matter of honor rather than a burden. Following the releases, in fact, some students have shown interest in the CAI and requested information about membership and other activities from the headquarters of Valtellina.
attention to content, the cultural background and the passion in times projects are a key to success p urtroppo often obscured by the form of habits or personal interests. Our work aims to be the result of a sincere passion that we hope will bring in the near future to attracting young people to the mountains and active participation in the CAI.

We are in a relay race where the one who does not give the witness is sure to lose the race. We play the best young people we are sure that our village's only a game, well coordinated and cohesive team will allow us to go from winning a major challenge to convey to our peers love and respect for the mountains and the land around us.

Cai Young

(all photos come from the archive of the outputs Cai Youth)