The events narrated in this film are placed temporarily at the end of the second episode, デスノート The Last Name ( Death Note The Last Name ): Light Yagami is dead and L do 23 days of life, having auto-condannato a morte per distruggere la trama diabolica di Kira. Un agente della stessa agenzia di L muore contagiato da un virus diabolico in Thailandia. Il virus è stato sviluppato in Giappone da un gruppo di cattivoni. l'ideatore del virus, naturalmente buono fa una brutta fine e spedisce sua figlia da Watari, il maggiordomo di L. L si prenderà cura della bambina e indagherà per distruggere il virus e la banda di cattivoni.
Oltre ad essere il mio primo approccio al Far East Film Festival , questo film è stato il mio primissimo approccio alla saga di Death Note. Ho quindi visto questo film senza sapere nulla del quaderno della morte che pure appare in a scene from the film, and knowing for the first time the character of L, played masterfully by 松山 ケン イチ ( Kenichi Matsuyama). L Change The World is a sort of spy story, dressed up with some interesting elements, such as the frenzy to know that [SPOILER] The die soon [SPOILER] with all the implications of the case.
Apart from anything else, although the story a little ridiculous after all, is the character of L to give depth to the film, and it's worth it just for him. He enjoys his relationship with the children co-stars.
very interesting as a "stand-alone movie . The rest is just a money machine and did well his duty to do so. Not very important also to mention the earlier work of the director, famous for the horror saga リング ( Ringu), came to us with the transposition of the American "The Ring" by Gore Verbinski. Here the good Nakata made a purely commercial product, without any major directorial imprint.
Japan, 2008 - directed by 中 田秀夫 ( Hideo Nakata)
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