Funny, but insane at the right point without going to the obscene levels of Satoshi Miki uninspired or rather ill-inspired ", Fine Totally Fine is one of those delightful paintings of Japanese comedy film not to be missed. A theatrical film from the pace of which perhaps Kitano is one of the best minds: people on the edge of sanity, or mental health, if you prefer, but in reality specks almost surreal satirical mirror of a society, that Japanese, for our common sense critical gaijin Western poised between unconscious genius and lucid madness. I love getting lost in the insanely long silences of these films: a microcosm in which you can literally live for the short duration of the film.
And then, in which film you could never afford to show an idiot who throws a snots in the eye of a lady without sounding disgustingly idiotic, but rather pleasantly artistic? The modern Japanese film copyright in rare cases, it is capable of beautiful aesthetics and particular in its elegant sophistication, and pleasantly slow pace. No coincidence that this film deserved the podium at the Far East Film Festival number 10. Fundamental notare che il regista Yosuke Fujita è alla sua prima pellicola!! Da seguire senz'altro in futuro!
全然大丈夫 ( Zenzen daijoubu - Fine, Totally Fine)
Giappone, 2008 - regia di Fujita Yosuke
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