Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Due fronti aperti per Calciopoli e ancora tanti (troppi) veleni. A Napoli, il processo penale rischia un brusco stop. Maria Teresa Casoria è stata ricusata: è sotto processo davanti al Csm e c'è la possibilità che debba essere ricostituito il collegio giudicante ai primi di aprile. Non si ripartirebbe da zero, se tutte le parti saranno d'accordo, ma certo non si potrà arrivare a sentenza entro l'estate. Se ne parlerà ad ottobre. Sul fronte sportivo, invece, il superprocuratore Stefano Palazzi, dopo aver sentito Bergamo, Pairetto e Mazzei (Nucini non si è presentato), il 31 marzo interrogherà Massimo Moratti. L'inchiesta-bis della Figc, infatti, verte soprattutto sullo scudetto 2006 assegnato dai "saggi" Guido Rossi Inter: Juventus claims that it is revoked. The decision by June: Palaces, closed to the survey, the cards will go to the federal council which will decide what to do. From analyzing the final interception: true that Moratti has placed years ago, but then had not yet surfaced his phone calls and those of Giacinto Facchetti. The No. 1 Inter has a very low confidence of sporting justice, years ago, during Calciopoli, because you never turned Investigation Bureau? If he had suspected, he argues, because it is not gone by Italo Pappa? Recall that the head of the Investigations resigned May 19, 2006, but through no fault of his (senior officers were involved in the Police Finance and jelly, at the time, was second in command). But Moratti has not had confidence in criminal justice: it is not the injured party in Naples (for example, how did Brescia) against Moggi and c. and went to the Prosecutor's Office to denounce what they claimed to have understood (that is,''the most we could compete for second place ...''). Now, even if reluctantly, will testify in front of buildings: it is not, as claimed, a 'thing' of minor importance and it is not conduct 'ridiculous' by the Football Federation. But it is a proper act by Giancarlo Abete to ask the attorney to investigate a complaint of a club (Juventus, in fact). Then, what will happen is another matter: there are elements to lift the Scudetto to Inter? We must see that "weight" will Palacios (and later the Federal Council) phone calls with designated, with the umpires (before the game), convivial lunches, gifts, and so on. Inter had to defend itself from the overwhelming power of Moggi, Giraudo &? And how did he do? These are questions that await an answer. A serious response, motivated, which is unrelated to the mood of the moment. It is not despising the sports justice that one can hope to get justice.
(Credits: , Fulvio Bianchi)
Friday, March 11, 2011
I Have A Dull Pains On Both Sides Of My Stomache
Juventus, as the things listed above, it was gradually reduced to a mere speculative object, and then transformed into a profitable utility around which debate and conjecture. Speak, write and discuss the good old Goeb is now an exercise in every respect convenient, from which you can obtain benefits of all kinds.
Juve is mainly to newspapers: the Journal, which - despite the time - it gives regular headlines, topped by fanciful promises to raise (not forgetting attentive insights on every aspect of the case again), the Corsport which favors a deaf ear on the Rome, but that is deaf ears at the first lineout unjust for Juventus. It suits a particular Tuttosport that, once again, leads a hunt in which already guilty you know the target: Ranieri crucified, killed Ferrara, now is the turn of Del Blacks. Please, no broken lance for the latter, but it seems absurd that now try to pass Vialli (not training for nine years ...) as one who is in charge of Busillis , while full of scorched earth all the time to fall for foot of technical Aquileia for the Turin daily Juventus fans are tired of this presence on the bench, as to manifest his impatience through Facebook groups and networking initiatives that the most diligent propizino expulsion. Funny how we both immediately noticed this change, while a font is not been wasted to account for the plethora of bloody reality online, petitions, gathered signatures and assorted curses that for five years now are "dedicated" to the Mother House, with its short Elkann, Montezemolo, Grande Stevens, Blanc, Gabetti and company around.
The Old Lady, on balance, it is truly a common good. It 's the ideal escape for those who want to justify their own failures, it is convenient to radio and television stations that, without any opposition, has made a Hector attacked the car, a mangled corpse to appear naked, so be even more humiliated and offended. It also serves to the opponents, to fill his mouth, to wish the best of times, benevolence to pick up praise to a (generic) glorious past. E 'useful for market players, who daily operate the blender of dreams and promises, and opinion, to go study in the studio, jacket-tie-in microphone blathering the usual platitudes about arbitrators seized, telephone cards, yellow cards and targeted I miss the wires that pulled the puppet theater. E 'is perfect for former players looking for work, for predators and for those of benefices - to hell with the masochism! - Posing as a gentleman of the non-controversial and laissez-faire , when he faced the armies deployed for execution.
this rate is only a matter of time. Before or later, closed loop and vent spirits, came the tenderness, the backslapping and understanding. Hatred will replace the indulgence and the last utility to be achieved: to equip the new soccer clean of that crumb of humanity that's just missing. At that point we will definitely kill him.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM , Emilio Cambiaghi)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Massimo Moratti was very angry at being summoned by the Federal Prosecutor's Office for questioning on the so-called Calciopoli / 2 and that is all that Part of interception came out especially with the criminal process Napoli a carico di Moggi & C. “Con tutto il rispetto per Palazzi che giustamente fa quello che deve fare, è però ridicolo il fatto che l’Inter, nella mia persona, debba presentarsi per questa cosa” ha detto il presidente. Il termine ridicolo è assolutamente fuori posto e irrispettoso nei confronti della giustizia sportiva: si è sempre detto che un supplemento di inchiesta sul maggior scandalo italiano dal calcioscommesse 1980 a oggi, fosse assolutamente necessario visto che molti pezzi di questa vicenda sono stati resi noti soltanto dopo le sentenze sportive emesse nell’estate del 2006. Sentenze considerate durissime dai più – vedi la Juventus, che fu quella che scontò la pena maggiore, ma non l’unica del resto – ma anche poi temperate, almeno in parte, da successive riduzioni nei vari ricorsi ad arbitrati vari.
La convocazione dell’Inter è semplicemente doverosa e niente affatto ridicola. Del resto la Federcalcio ha accettato e posto in esame un esposto della Juventus sulla revoca dello scudetto assegnato a tavolino all’Inter. Quel dossier non poteva giacere ancora a lungo negli uffici della Procura. Una volta esaminate le centinaia di nuove intercettazioni, in un primo momento ritenute non rilevanti dagli investigatori, è stato praticamente matematico procedere con gli obblighi dell’inchiesta. Sul merito di quelle intercettazioni, se le telefonate di Facchetti presso i designatori avessero ie the same value as those of Moggi - and still more benign interpretation is "at least embarrassing - I really believe that you will end up with the expectation that the process of Naples come to the decision at first instance. There is indeed a substantial difference between the current investigation and that of 2006: then there was a need to arrive at certain decisions before the start of the new leagues and the new season of European Cup, now quell'impellenza is much lower. Since at the time of the two licenses taken away to Juventus it comes to confirm the assignment of the Inter Scudetto 2005-'06, or do not assign it at all, as the previous year. This provided that the process of Naples continue smoothly and that you come to a decision within a few months yet. Unlike football - beyond the usual habit of referring now feature management Abete, see the issue of radiation Moggi & C - will have a difficult decision, not that someone remove the chestnuts from the fire in his place.
(Credits: )
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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The former Juventus manager responds to the Inter president, "Do not read the intercepts. Maybe he does not remember who called his office Tavaroli che Tavaroli con Facchetti hanno incaricato Cipriani. Calciopoli? Non esiste. Di 170mila telefonate hanno considerato solo 40. De Laurentiis? Si confonde e si contraddice. Il calcio non era pulito? Fa bene ad alzare la voce ma tanto la Roma arriverà terza»
TORINO, 9 marzo - Non è andata giù a Luciano Moggi la dichiarazione di Massimo Moratti, rilasciata questa mattina dal presidente nerazzurro, in merito alla convocazione di Palazzi sulla questione della revocazione dello Scudetto 2005-2006 assegnato all'Inter (« È ridicolo che l'Inter venga convocata» , ha detto il n° 1 del club meneghino ndr): «Moratti dice che chiamare l’Inter is ridiculous? Maybe he has not read the intercepts. Perhaps - said the former general director of Juventus on Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli - not remember who called his office Tavaroli that Tavaroli Facchetti tasked with Cipriani. Pretends not to notice and talk just to talk. What is Calciopoli after five years? It did not happen anything. Of 170 thousand phone calls have taken only forty, and all of Juventus. The others are all irrelevant. Facchetti was irrelevant when Bertini said to "let me win the Cup match with Italy Cagliari in Cagliari in 2008 and then see if Inter won the Italian Cup and then the Fed would have to remove it. It was irrelevant when it said the designator "Passes for the office that Moratti must give you a present." But it was significant that a company is to defend these things. "
ON NAPLES De Laurentiis - Then Moggi says its also on the words of De Laurentiis, who yesterday spoke of a Naples that bothers: "De Laurentiis has been wrong before and wrong now. He has been wrong before, when he said that "football is more clean." Football, remember, was always clean and has never been dirty. He is wrong now, saying that there no one wants Naples: it confuses and contradicts himself. If there nobody wants to Napoli, it means that football is not clean: the two, one. Must De Laurentiis well decide that the way to go with Zamparini and not agree that at times when something comes against. When wrong things happen, they are all on one side. When things go normally, then we say that the errors of the referees are merely the result of randomness. The truth is that the referees are not people that trick, but when they face Inter, Roma and AC Milan get up off my hat, but they do so unintentionally. It is called "psychological subjection." De Laurentiis is right to ask for more attention, but it hurt in the past when he said that the referees are all good and if mistakes are just cases. The referees make mistakes as they have always wrong. De Laurentiis is good now to gain respect. The full draw? When the Verona won the championship, I came second with Torino. I did lose a home game, just with the Verona, for three to two. The problem does not displace too much: if you speak this language, it also accuses those who make the nominations. We must be careful not to say that it is appropriate at the time agrees. The full draw should be enough or always or never, and not only when it suits. "
JUVE AND RETURN TO FIGHTING CHAMPIONS - Finally, the former Juventus director general talks about a possible return to Turin: "If I come back to Juve? I feel so good that I do not think about these things. I'm sorry for Juve, I wanted to go see the race col Milan ma poi i miei familiari mi consigliarono di non andare. Ho evitato ma ringrazio il pubblico per tutte le attenzioni che hanno riposto in me. Evidentemente ho fatto un buon lavoro. La lotta Champions? Il Napoli arriverà quarto, la Roma terza. È sotto in classifica, ma questo è il mio pensiero. Ho detto prima dell’inizio della stagione che il Milan avrebbe vinto lo scudetto. Adesso, dico che la Roma potrà arrivare terza ed il Napoli quarto. Mi auguro per gli azzurri che possano anche arrivar terzi, ma ci credo poco. La Roma, nei quattro, ci starà sicuramente, è una mia impressione. Se i giallorossi riceveranno aiuti? Non lo so questo. Sono pensieri che uno fa svegliandosi al mattino».
(Credits: )
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Ruggiero Palombo's disappointment for lack of radiation Moggi could be put into account, in part because he had unbalanced the first time, assuring an April 24 2010 "About Calciopoli" , that inside the "glass palace" that radiation had been decided (and was later taken for granted by Galdi and Piccioni April 29, on the front page), but this time Contrary to the summer 2006, there had taken. Less predictable, however, was an article like the one signed on March 5, 2011 Journal of the filled not only disappointment but also of anger, as for a broken dream: to the point of concluding that it would be better left alone and radiation Moggi ghost and finally turn the page. suggest you read carefully, because in some passages could be traced to the signs of those who are defined as in football jargon frustration fouls.
Palombo on one side argues that the Code of Sports Justice (the old like new) allowed, indeed obliged, the federal leaders to proceed with the radiation and, second, writes that no one came in Figc assumed that responsibility because there was the fear that struck you to the ordinary justice with claims for damages (millionaires, we might add).
E 'an important input, the assumption that Calciopoli has other trains in courtrooms every day we become the second most likely and carries a corollary that sorry, and so, to those who think like Palombo: The corollary, that that the sports justice, contrary to what pundits and columnists have always said, can not disregard the findings and judgments of the ordinary. To claim, as was done in the summer of 2006, the sports justice could overturn the rules of due process, with all that followed, until the maximum penalty dell'ergastolo of radiation has proved a chance and now he are realizing everyone seems to admit as Palombo, perhaps unintentionally.
Another foul of frustration can be traced when the deputy director of Journal says that Moggi is still guilty of the ALLEGED crimes in 2006 and, if they have emerged "new facts" in the process of Naples, then buildings must go, and quickly, with other punishment, apparently without changing the sentence Sandulli, one that, simply put, he had "copied" the authors of the survey information of the investigators for the Prosecution of Naples (the dome moggiana with appurtenances and phone calls that there Inter 'were).
It so happens that the new facts of this case was also considered by order of the sports justice and is regulated by art. 39 of the CGS on "review and revision" of res judicata. Art. 39 readers of the Journal have been properly kept in the dark: The Deputy is trying again now, with the result that what is written does not stand up: the new facts come to light in Naples (the phone calls and interaction with appurtenances, maybe The dome was not there) may be taken into account by the bodies of sports justice only if the Football Federation has a review of Calciopoli because, like it or not, going to impact their outcomes with the devices of res judicata. Palaces, as reported by the Presidency Federal, is working on new facts, but only an investigation with a view to enabling then to the Federal Council to decide on complaints about the allocation of Juve's Scudetto 2005-06.
will be disappointment, or perhaps anger, or whatever, the fact is that the mysterious radiation Giraudo, Moggi-Mazzini Palombo deputy director goes so far as to write: "We have not taken a position, we reported the opinion of the Federal Court of Justice ". And here we must ask what happened to Ruggiero Palombo Moggiopoli are finite and where hundreds and hundreds of pages that were dedicated in the summer of 2006 by the Journal to the biggest scandal in history of calcium and the monster who had designed. They did cleaning in the archives of the newspaper removing dirt and dirty clothes and compromising, or is it just that the Deputy dissociates from the pages in hindsight? Or is it just as frustrating when a player goes in doll and did not realize what he is doing?
No wonder the other hand, even in the newsroom we expected a bit 'all that Palombo closes his article with an invitation to definitively turn the page, it is the end of the summer of 2006 that the fanfare of the newspapers that they review and maybe the address, they sing the refrain "who had had ..." and invite you to turn the page. As our readers know, we are convinced, however, that before closing the pages of history of Calciopoli he will write many more: and the moral of the fairy tale of the phantom and the radiation Palombo frustration is that this conviction is strengthened.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM , Enzo Lombardo )
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MILAN, March 9 - Nervousness Moratti. Picked up by journalists to the president of Inter Milan said on his decision to call a hearing on Buildings # 1 Inter: "It's ridiculous that Inter will be called on the issue related to the Scudetto in 2006, with all the respect I have for Buildings." Then a stop on the Champions and the game that Milan will face tonight against Tottenham, which is valid for the return of the first knockout round of Champions League: "I hope that Milan will not qualify just because they have so many commitments can distract the league, but also for the sake of Italian football. But now I will not put myself in the shoes of AC Milan, Inter just think '.
(Credits: )
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(Credits: )
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Baldini at Juve?
A full-scale war could break out of factions within society. Tony Damascelli during trasmisione Radio Radio, reported a rumor that Andrea Agnelli could submit his resignation as president of Juventus because of led to tensions with his cousin John Elkann. This strong disagreement would be caused by the fact that John Elkann had decided to entrust the job of Director of Football with Franco Baldini, Beppe Marotta, leaving "only" capable of managing director and member of the board of directors, the tax would not like the young Agnelli and would have provoked a reaction so strong that he tried to think of abandoning their duties.
Obviously we hope that this is not true, it would be yet another revolution, and probably would return to Juventus in the hands of those people who have allowed the destruction so easily.
(Credits: )
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I have spoken often of Moggiopoli , facilotto neologism coined by me in the aftermath of the outbreak of the scandal of football, beginning in May 2006, and then immediately face in Calciopoli, and then in Farsopoli published in recent years for the turn of events in court in Naples.
of this scandal, as well as name a "alone" in my comments to the TG3 for two years before my expulsion by military force in September 2010 with a complaint from a horse, I've written here several times in the past year and a half ( cf. the archive), the "Done" I work, and previously, between 2006 and 2008 on "Unity". But scandals paracalcistici football and I even wrote a term for life / career. I come back here for a cry of alarm.
It seems that there is a strong risk of prescription this process, which is currently in the opinion of a panel chaired by Judge Teresa Casoria. The risk is already formidable plasters for all the so-called "short trial" that is doing everything possible to pass in Parliament for obvious reasons (with the short process, requirements galore and guess from who's initials are S . and B), has risen to the square yesterday and the subject of another analysis.
The two prosecutors, Narducci and Campbell, have in fact refused for the second time Casoria. So the accusation against Moggi and company does not believe that this college can judge with confidence the occasion for a series of implications all internal to the Court of Naples, and the relationship between judges, to be exhibited at the Council of the Judiciary: all material I'll spare you that, never to be a headache.
parts instead of logical and logistical considerations . Whatever the reason for the objection (previously the second), if it were accepted it would obviously need another college. Published in chronological terms, it would certainly alla prescrizione di tutti, da Moggi alla caterva di imputati, arbitri, dirigenti ecc.
Direte: che fortuna, per Moggi e gli altri alla sbarra. Rispondo: sarebbe una vera sciagura perché la prescrizione nei confronti degli imputati verrebbe comunque spacciata dalla stampa e percepita e ricevuta dall’opinione pubblica come una “mancata condanna”. E siccome la giustizia sportiva nel 2006 ha già fatto strame del diritto calcistico con quelle sentenze poi apparse alla luce degli sviluppi delle “favole mirate”, è evidente il tipo di messaggio che ne scaturirebbe. Condannati dagli organi interni (su cui invece bisognerebbe investigare fino in fondo per capire e spiegare come e quanto dipendano da quello stesso power football and sports involved in the scandal, a real swamp in the more general Swamp Italy), prescribed by the ordinary justice: it is so close and now this ugly chapter of Italian football "with the perfect and proven guilty even if only partially (and the Arbitration question recurs on time every Sunday).
Then a disaster: would be wronged the truth or the pursuit of truth, that the defendants are guilty or innocent, and that there are others not yet charged in dance, but could become so. The wiretapping of former Auricchio more ad hoc decisions (by whom? From him? By others?) Before Naples process and "good" instrumental to the process sports have been expanded enormously in fact calling into question the power of football in its various forms: hear those calls, not only first but also many others, makes the idea of \u200b\u200ba side of what is today the ball, the other with how Moggi has sought and found one scapegoat scams including criminal association with nominators and referees in Naples still very far from proven. So I would like some nice comparisons between the version of that of Moggi and Moratti, for example, leaving Barney to literature and film ... and not limitation in the fog that envelops everything.
Dear Narducci and Campbell, prosecutors whom I respect until proven otherwise and which are estimated (I remember one of their interview with Beatrice-of-a Narducci L'Espresso), I imagine they do not want this and that if the process were to demonstrate the fragility of the system accusatory, as they write those who have studied, as judges could and should beat on appeal to demonstrate the goodness of the allegations. The botched prescription so instead it is a wound for all, not a benefit to Moggi. It 'so hard to understand? E 'legal culture that? In my opinion, not defending anyone but the search for truth, would be just the opposite.
(Credits:, Oliviero Beha)
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Advocate Gallinelli Paul is the defender of the former referee Massimo De Santis, who was charged to the process under way in Naples Calciopoli . After the recent developments which are well known, we asked him to give his opinion on possible future scenarios.
Hello, lawyer. Gallinelli. The first question is the topic of the day, we would like to know your opinion on the application for objection against the President of the Chamber, Dr. Casoria.
In generale l’istanza di ricusazione mi lascia molto perplesso, per vari motivi. Innanzitutto perché è la seconda ricusazione e poi anche per i tempi e le modalità, oltre che per i contenuti, e poi perché si inserisce in un momento in cui tra l’altro il Tribunale aveva dato l’ultima possibilità ai pubblici ministeri per sostenere il loro impianto accusatorio, ammettendo loro nove nuovi testimoni che sono stati sentiti in una nuova attività integrativa di indagine, svolta in parallelo rispetto all’istruttoria dibattimentale. Quindi mi sembra un atteggiamento quasi provocatorio nei confronti del Tribunale e in particolare della dott.ssa Casoria. In relazione ai tempi, poi, mi lascia perplesso il fatto that the hearing on 1 March were not presented and Nucini Gianfelice Facchetti, which would have been the driving force of prosecutors, and the next day, March 2, the PM have filed the application for recusal. And 'obviously not ready in five minutes an instance like that, and also the PM was certainly made aware of the disciplinary proceedings before the CSM which concerned Dr Casoria: and they were at least since February 28.
Let us assume a scenario. Should the application be accepted and should remain the two assessors with a new President, you check-in?
If they accept the request of the PM as it was formulated would give weight to this little dispute that there would be, as written in the instance document, including the Casoria Pandolfi and on the admission of the civil parties. This is the only element that connects the disciplinary proceedings in the Casoria Calciopoli, while the circumstances are invoked relate to other situations and problems of a more general and inside the Court. If it passes that line means that there has been some more serious problem between the President and at least one of the two assessors, and then at that point that we believe should be reconstituted around the college. But I think this is possible in view of the time. I also believe that the Court of Auditors would be interested to see clearly in this situation because there is pending proceedings against the accused to the Court of Auditors same, regardless of that the defendants have claimed substantial expenses to defend themselves, but above the state and then citizens.
In theory one of your allies at this point could be just the plaintiffs.
No doubt, even this initiative creates a cleavage between the plaintiffs and the PM.
How long will it take, in your opinion, to have a final decision on this matter, since the last time I think it took a couple of months?
hard to say. Let us remember that were already scheduling threads of lawyers as well as the indictments of the PM and in the light of this, the attitude of the PM seems a bit 'too little transparency and provocative, because they almost had announced the date when they started the indictment with the likely demands of conviction ....
Ultimately, if the request for recusal was granted, have you considered the idea of \u200b\u200basking the displacement of the process elsewhere?
This we can not rule it out. If it is shown an environmental situation further ... .. we had already asked at the beginning and the ass falls here because it was the Casoria to accept the thesis of MP and maintain competence in Naples, who was then his decision to support the PM. Here Narducci and Campbell, instead of asking for the disqualification of the President, should have asked for some of their witnesses because, if a prosecution witness does not match their expectations, it is not the fault of the Court. Obviously they chose the wrong word in the indictment. The unique profile of incompatibility that I can see is that of the PM towards the Court, which are considered witnesses in the disciplinary proceedings pending against the President Casoria. If he is, instead, found a conflict between judges with specific reference to the process Calciopoli is Obviously we would not feel safer defenders of peace and accusing the prosecutors of the Court's finding.
Another unknown is constituted by the statute of limitations ....
Surely there is a risk for fraud offenses sport you get to the prescription, which should take place between 2011 and 2012, but the underlying problem, for writing the truth of the case, is that here there ' was just the same as the previous application for recusal pursuant to art. 37 CPP, but also is called art. 41 CPP, namely calling for the immediate suspension of any preliminary investigation. For this I said that I'm perplexed, since this is an inquiry that asked them to court and now call for their suspension. But is not that they sought a year ago, but on February 22! I mean, Facchetti Jr was heard April 26, 2010 and called the hearing to the Court February 22, 2011, and Dr. Casoria and other judges have accepted these demands, so the attitude of the Court does not appear and has never looked, hostility towards the PM, on the contrary it became more of absolute impartiality from what I saw and how they have all seen, and Dr. Casoria led the debate in an impartial, disregarding requests PM only when these demands were unfounded, and instead accepting them when they were.
The only time he rejected a request from the PM was when there was the acquisition, which I request, the order of the Telecom Panasia. In that case, the PM was opposed, but I did note that in order that we talked about Nucini, which was just one of the witnesses which they had requested the hearing, and therefore I believe that for these reasons, logical and legal character of the Court of First Instance rejected opposition demands PM. There were absolutely preconceived or otherwise.
Regarding your request to inspect the papers of the proceedings for a visit to Nucini Boccassini?
Here this is another of our grief. At the moment we have not received any response yet. There are about 18 months I asked for this matter and we have recently reiterated the request. But we never even received any response to our first request.
But they are obliged to give you an answer or they can not do it? Forced
no, because it is the entry model 45 filing made it that way, which technically is called "self-archiving" because it goes to the magistrate, which is not under Art. CPP 116 which entitles you to have a copy. In this case, the procedure assumes a kind "Administrative" because never had any criminal law, and this is why I asked for the acquisition, because Nucini gave no criminal law to those facts that were reported by Inter and is therefore curious to find Nucini as a prosecution witness in criminal proceedings as that of Naples. So there is a specific obligation, but I think, in short, that a magistrate of the Republic in case of refusal should give us a well-argued reply.
But if the document to request the Court was directly represented by its President? If there is still
Dr Casoria March 15, I will ask just that, in view of the fact that there are waiting times. The tribunal may require the acquisition pursuant to art. CPP 507. At that point, the acquisition should be allowed, unless a "diplomatic incident", as it evidently contained herein is definitely a hot material because in twenty years, for the first time when I'm the lawyer, ask a file archived "Model 45" and I will have the opportunity to see him. So there must be something strange.
Nucini March 15 will be a witness?
In my opinion this instance of no-show also hidden challenge of Nucini March 1. I mean, it's strange that the Pm Capuano gives the availability for the presence of Nucini on 8 March, which was then postponed to 15 commitments for some lawyers, and the day after being deposited instances of objection requesting the suspension of the process. At this point, I suspect because Capuano, as we saw earlier, could hardly have been unaware that the day after it was presented the request for disqualification of the President Casoria.
But if the prosecutor had to give up listening to Nucini you will call to testify the same?
This depends on the Court who, having admitted as a witness, could also dispose of the forced accompaniment. But then again perhaps the request for recusal was also made for this, especially because other witnesses have proved quite smoky. So it's obvious that I would not be in the shoes of Nucini at this time, are strong risk of being indicted for perjury while laying. Perhaps this is why PM confident in this block. But in any case we will insist that he be examined, because the weather there, so if the Court of Appeal does not suspend the preliminary investigation, as they have asked the PM instance, we make every effort to Nucini be in the courtroom to testify in front of everyone and to report what he said in the little room of prosecutors.
But with regard to Gianfelice Facchetti?
He also believe that to be a witness in the hearing could be of great interest.
But an apology after the incident as a result of his lawsuit his client De Santis and finding the proper object of interceptions that apology, the more you hear that?
No, he "controscuse" has never done. Rather we have recently read an interview in Vanity Fair in which, on the sidelines of advertising in his play, was referring to Calciopoli and apologized to his father for having suspected him, as if to say that until they had found those notes also he could have had some doubt, but not I believe that those notes could prove either the guilt of the accused nor the good faith of Facchetti, as anyone can converge notes, even the same Moggi would surely have written dozens of them, but now is charged in this process.
addition to the instance of objection, these days it has been much talk about the new procedure that was invented to lift FIGC Spruce from the responsibility of removal of Moggi. What is your opinion?
That's the icing on the cake. In my opinion they should not think about how to enforce the proposed radiation. Conversely, should all make an examination of conscience, a process revisione critica rispetto al 2006, tutti, a cominciare da Palazzi, e quindi riesaminare tutti i fatti che sono stati giudicati nel 2006 in modo assolutamente superficiale.
Non Le sembra che questo nuovo procedimento sia una specie di revisione implicita, una specie di art. 39 anticipato?
Dovrebbero abituarsi a dare alla gente risposte chiare. Evidentemente vogliono nascondere dietro questo procedimento una riapertura dei giochi, ma c’è l’art. 39 e dovrebbero applicare quello. In ogni caso che si dessero una mossa, perché sentire Mazzei, Bergamo e Pairetto finora non mi sembra sintomatico di una volontà di rivedere quello che hanno detto alla gente in tutti questi anni. Perché alla gente have said very bad things and have these in 15 days in 2006, but now they have had months to provision, and this time it could use to do more, feel like Moratti, who in the meantime it is nice to warmth in the stands to watch the games for Inter and was never bothered, for example, to go from Palaces to tell why what he said in 2006 Borrelli was then denied in a net from which it emerged later .
(Credits: JU29RO.COM )
Female Waxing Diagrams
timing. The first thing that attracts attention is the timing of events: 28 February the Public Prosecutor of Naples receives from the Council of the Judiciary to disclose a disciplinary procedure against Casoria; pm the next day Narducci is absent in the classroom e l'accusa è rappresentata dal solo Capuano; e il 2 marzo il Procuratore della Repubblica Giovandomenico Lepore ed i sostituti Narducci e Capuano firmano la nuova istanza di ricusazione del giudice Casoria. Poche ore per apprendere la notizia e preparare al volo un'istanza che, a quanto pare, è composta di ben 12 pagine. Sulla tempistica l'avvocato Gallinelli ha evidenziato a Vaciago: "Sono perplesso per i tempi di questa istanza. Il primo marzo i pm hanno concordato con la Casoria di risentire per il 15 i testimoni, Nucini e Facchetti Jr, che non si erano presentati, mentre il giorno dopo depositavano un’istanza di ricusazione con richiesta di sospensione immediata dell’attività processuale. Un documento che per la sua complexity could not be prepared in a single day: in short, the suspicion is that it is a move to delay a process that certainly was not going well for them ".
DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS. The new application for recusal is based on Casoria fact that the court is facing disciplinary proceedings in which the debate is expected before the disciplinary section of the CSM on 8 April 2011. As far as we know, the magistrate would be defendants alleged misconduct against judges and other employees of the office.
The disciplinary procedure has its origin in the first instance of objection advanced by prosecutors in Naples. Quell'istanza, proposta in data 21 ottobre 2009, è stata rigettata il 22 dicembre 2009 ma, in conseguenza di quella richiesta di ricusazione, il titolare dell'azione disciplinare ha svolto accertamenti sui comportamenti del giudice Casoria. Vaciago scrive che nel procedimento disciplinare "si citano vari episodi in cui la Casoria avrebbe rivolto insulti a colleghi o sottoposti e espresso giudizi molto negativi sul funzionamento della giustizia a Napoli" e che i pm saranno testimoni nel procedimento. Le incolpazioni disciplinari non riguarderebbero la conduzione del processo così detto "Calciopoli", ma più in generale i comportamenti ed i modi del giudice Casoria e, oltre ad episodi relativi a comportamenti tenuti in altri processi, sarebbero citate anche due risposte date dalla Casoria alle giudici a latere del processo "Calciopoli", Maria Pia Gualtieri e Francesca Pandolfi, che saranno ascoltate come testi, insieme ai pm Narducci e Capuano, durante la discussione orale dell'udienza fissata dal CSM per l'8 aprile.
A questo, al ruolo nel procedimento disciplinare delle due giudici a latere, fa riferimento Alvaro Moretti quando, sempre sabato su Tuttosport, scrive: "... in ogni caso, ben difficilmente le difese accetterebbero un reintegro della corte con due giudici, la Gualtieri e la Pandolfi, in disputa col Presidente" .
LA RICUSAZIONE. I Pubblici ministeri, a quanto pare, baserebbero their new application for objecting to the fact that the disciplinary action of the Attorney General of the Supreme Court would also concern the conduct by Judge Teresa Casoria as a result of the first request for recusal. During the investigation that led to the exercise of disciplinary action were also statements made by Narducci pm and Campbell, also of the first signatories to the request for recusal. The request for recusal, to our knowledge, shows that there is incompatibility Casoria for a kind of possible interference between the process "Calciopoli" leading and disciplinary proceedings. In fact, you claim that the Casoria could not drive the process and help to deliver sentence after having behavior as a judge of that process, subject to relevant regulations. Vaciago writes that "the Casoria, specifically, is accused of having" an interest in the proceedings' Calciopoli. This' interest 'is derived from a disciplinary procedure against him, in which the two pm are called as witnesses by the CSM " .
Prosecutors allege that the interest may be as low-order "moral" and not necessarily of an "economic" interest that could undermine the role of neutrality and impartiality of the judge, who may wish to decide to think " disciplinary advantage of absolution. " The lawyer has
Prioreschi risposto a Moretti: "Mi auguro che la Corte d'Appello decida tempestivamente e non vedo l'applicabilità della norma che i pm invocano stavolta: non vedo, cioè, quale interesse personale possa avere la Casoria in questo procedimento. Normalmente, l'interesse è delle parti, non del collegio giudicante. Apprendo che i pm del processo sono anche testimoni del procedimento disciplinare a carico della Casoria. E allora sarebbe più opportuno che si astenessero loro dal sostenere l'accusa in questo processo, non la Casoria" .
LA NORMA. A proposito del citato "interesse" la Corte di Cassazione ha in effetti affermato che "l'interesse the procedure under Article. 36 1 co. Lett. a) CPP, is the possibility for the court to issue to their advantage judicial activity that is called to play in the process, an advantage which should not necessarily be cheap but that may well be merely moral " (Cass. sez . VI, 03/05/1998, No. 2452, Appl. Strazzullo RV No 210839; id., 18/6/1998 No 1711, Appl. Cuccurullo, RV No. 211132).
Apparently instance objection refers to a ruling by the Supreme Court, which, according to the PM, has ruled on a similar case (Section II Judgement No 1660 of 1999). On the web you can find a document that, in paragraph 5) invokes a passaggio di tale sentenza che qui riportiamo: "l’interesse quale elemento della fattispecie ex art. 36 lett. a) c.c.c. è senz’altro da ravvisarsi in capo al Giudice che sottoposto a procedimento disciplinare per comportamenti attinenti ad attività e provvedimenti giurisdizionali in precedenza adottati nell’ambito di un procedimento penale sia poi chiamato a pronunziarsi nello stesso procedimento penale in relazione ai medesimi fatti" ; ciò in quanto quel Giudice sarebbe comunque, in tal caso, "condizionato dalla pendenza del procedimento disciplinare instaurato in conseguenza della sua precedente decisione essendo egli, inevitabilmente, portato a porsi il problema della possibile incidenza sul procedimento specification for the new decision ".
However, according to the Supreme Court, to ascertain whether such interest is specifically apparent in relation to the" advertised "disciplinary proceedings in respect of which has been determined to be the actual existence and relevance of the slope, both the terms and contents of incrimination in particular and rigorous assessment of the relevance and dependence on it from previous activities carried out by the court as a court order to the same facts of that same process which was then grafted to the statement of objection, for this not reach a general and apodictic statements of principle, but to establish, in practice, whether the judge refused on the basis of the findings set out above, is actually the bearer of a legal interest that would engage each other in order to make the case in judicial activity which he is called to do, objectively likely to lead to an advantage , though not only economic but moral.
In this perspective, it is not obviously anticipate a challenge, so to speak, "omnibus" (that is, for reasons related to processes other than that for which the disqualification is required), but SINCE consider its application only for a given process and reasons related thereto, and therefore should be evaluated for Judgement of the merits of "reusability", that the conduct alleged against the Casoria held by the same process only in the "Calciopoli". And in actual fact, always according to what is known, between the conduct complained to the magistrate, the conduct required in the process "Calciopoli" not really seem the most relevant to disciplinary action.
braking. This new application for recusal could lead to a further slowdown in the process. Under challenge the trial can continue without delay, but must stop before the sentence and awaiting the decision on the challenge. Any complaint or disciplinary conviction, However, it may not automatically change the objection.
Only if the request for recusal was granted there is a risk of having to redo the whole process from the beginning. A process that was already in the pipeline, with a ruling expected in spring, suffers heavy braking due to extensions requested by the expert transcriber Porto pm and initiatives: the first request for the hearing of new witnesses took place two months after the conclusion of "further investigations", then this new application for recusal of the judge.
The risk that the process may end with a prescription and without a legal truth exists, but this solution would not be attributable to the defenses and would not be welcome, as the Advocate Prioreschi "We shrink the hypothesis: there are objective findings of the proceedings each day by giving positive evidence of the innocence of Luciano Moggi and in general of the accused. We want this process to be completed before the new laws would come into force. That would be a mockery of those who consider themselves innocent be deprived the chance to see their clearly established right, moral denied relief for this loss of time, paving the way for standards such as those of the short process ".
remember that the prescription would be a fact provided for by law, however, has yet to enter into force.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM )
Monday, March 7, 2011
Read Blood Bank Online For Free
to Radio Power Station during the show "Something for Juve "The lawyer spoke Maurilio Prioreschi , legal defense of Luciano Moggi, the process of Naples.
(Credits: )
Back Pain Above The Waist
There was a dream called Juve last summer and Andrea Agnelli has tried to make it happen. But this is not the Juve that everyone expected. This is not. Having to separate good from evil, but it would be a crime not to remedy the mistakes become horrors.
The company started with a premise right: re-establishing a team in the grounds drained, dried in the spirit, debased by time. We had to act su ferite diventate croste purulente: giocatori pagati come sceicchi (Melo, Diego, Amauri, Poulsen) e giocatori che sognavano di chiudere da sceicchi (Cannavaro e Grosso) tanto per fare alcuni esempi. Ma anche uomini silenziosi e permalosi (Zanetti) o perennemente infortunati (Iaquinta). E i leader? Quelli che si fanno capire anche con un solo sguardo. Nessuno ha notato il loro peso, sempre chiusi nella propria torre o rivolti alla curva adorante. Inserire un paio di giocatori all’anno in un ambiente simile avrebbe bruciato chiunque. Per non parlare di altri acquisti scellerati o di focacciate con Lippi diventate subito un comodo alibi per chi non aveva la stoffa per allenare una squadra polveriera nello in the dressing room and frustrated ambitions of winning. In recent years have left the scene Nedved, Camoranesi, Trezeguet, the next will probably be the last one for Del Piero. Juve is surely, finally, over. A new will be born. But we must understand the evils before rushing in good diagnosis for each season.
And here we return to the property Elkann / Agnelli. The program assumes a raise in two years, with (at least) the qualification in the Champions League after the first season. With peace we can reasonably say that the first objective has failed. Agnelli is Marotta trusted. The plan included a salary reduction, a strong impulso alle cessioni, una poderosa campagna acquisti, l’arrivo di almeno un paio di campioni e quei giocatori di fascia tanto graditi a Del Neri. Purtroppo gli esterni di difesa sono un disastro: Traorè, Grosso, Grygera, Motta, De Ceglie e Sorensen. Per carità di patria e per le attenuanti (infortuni ed età) salviamo gli ultimi due, ma ci domandiamo anche: sono da Juve? Fra scelte sbagliate ed errori preesistenti, questo è il principale atto d’accusa del mercato, al quale, però ne vanno aggiunti almeno altri due: Martinez (scadente e pagato un’enormità) e il mancato arrivo (se non a gennaio) di un attaccante in grado di fare la differenza. Salviamo Aquilani, Matri (arrivato in ritardo e pagato più del dovuto), Krasic e il povero Quagliarella. Restiamo ancora molto perplessi sulla indisciplina tattica e non di Melo, sulle mancanze di alternative agli esterni d’attacco e su un settore centrale ancora da equilibrare.
Insomma, i difetti sono tanti. Ma nonostante tutto riteniamo che con questi stessi elementi si potesse fare di più. Napoli, Lazio e Udinese non hanno un peso specifico (analizzando tutta la rosa) superiore però esprimono gioco convincente e risultati positivi. E’ chiaro, lampante, evidente che non si può fare una rivoluzione all’anno. Però bisogna rimediare. Le ipotesi sono tre: 1) Agnelli ha sbagliato to trust Marotta 2) Marotta campaign made a mistake buying and / or trainer 3) of Blacks in the wrong setting and play. Agnelli is the president, it is for him to find a solution. With very few alternatives. Marotta was wrong if you must change the project and start again. If, however, most of these players (Buffon, Marchisio, Chiellini, Bonucci, Melo, Krasic, Aquilani, Quagliarella, Matri) can be part of future project and will proceed to a second, massive operation to strengthen in the summer then culprit is the coach. But what would keep them for ten games a technical de-legitimized? Relying on another guide is a must to avoid losing at least that train in Europe League.
(Credits: , Paolo De Paola)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Red Face After Eating Vegetables
"The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch objection shall constitute exceptional rules, with the result that cases settled, the formalities and the terms of the same proposition in the nature of obligatory nature, and there can also include other serious reasons of convenience provided for in terms of abstention. "
Not so says the Gazzetta dello Sport, but the Supreme Court (citing a ruling in the case: Supreme Court criminal sect. III, 01 October 2003, n. 42193).
Which, translated from giuridichese, it means that you can not object to a judge why he looks at you wrong, because it has a Neapolitan accent, why not fans of Inter and for no other reason beyond those strictly provided by art. 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Reasons
then, less than those for private interests involved and the existence of a family relationship or serious enmity with the parties, are reduced to one. This
: "If in the performance and before sentence is pronounced, he (the judge) has expressed its belief unduly on the facts in its charging."
Now, it is clear to all those who have Following the criminal trial of Naples against the supposed 'moggiana dome', which never Casoria the President has in any way improperly expressed his thoughts on the facts of the case, nor has he ever expressed any belief that somehow he could anticipate the content of the sentence.
is because there are valid reasons for an answer. Yet
PM governing the charge we have already tried a first time, claiming perhaps colorful expressions (such as forgetting the now mythological phrase "accelerated the progress we have more important jobs to do ...") but that in no way related to the subject of the proceedings.
And indeed they did a spectacular hole in the water, because the loro istanza é stata ritenuta, dalla competente settima sezione della Corte di Appello di Napoli, inammissibile in quanto tardiva e comunque infondata nel merito (tiè!).
Adesso, a quanto dicono le fonti bene informate su tutte le mosse della Pubblica Accusa - indovinate di chi stiamo parlando? -, la premiata ditta Narducci & Capuano ci starebbe riprovando ed avrebbe presentato (usiamo il condizionale) una seconda istanza di ricusazione giustificata dal fatto che la Presidente Casoria “Non sarebbe 'serena' in quanto sotto procedimento disciplinare a Roma, davanti al Csm, proprio per Calciopoli.”.
Fuffa, insomma.
Il fatto é che la serenità individuale del Giudice non é indicated in the exhaustive list of causes that justify an application for recusal, and in any case, any disciplinary proceedings in which the magistrate has to do is put in the proceedings on the merits and in the event of objection, such as cabbage ( or badges to certain boards, if you prefer).
The second instance then, pretentious and even fanciful if we give heed to rumors, was about 0% chance of being accepted. I'm ready to eat my hat.
We know that we know the lawyers of the accused, he knows the Board of Judges and they know even the PM.
So why do it, my desperate Narducci?
hypothesis seems to be popular è quella che la Pubblica Accusa, vista la mala parata e la mala figura, voglia solo ritardare il processo per perdere tempo, aspettando forse la prescrizione o forse la fine del mondo (prevista nel 2012).
Ed in effetti è vero che il citato art.37 c.p.p. prevede che “Il giudice ricusato non può pronunciare né concorrere a pronunciare sentenza fino a che non sia intervenuta l'ordinanza che dichiara inammissibile o rigetta la ricusazione” ; il che, applicato al nostro processo, finirebbe per paralizzarlo in quanto la Presidente Casoria, in pendenza di ricusazione, non si potrebbe pronunciare.
E quindi addio alla tanto sperata 'sentenza prima dell'estate'.
Però anche questa ipotesi non quaglia.
Why? Simple: the Constitutional Court (not the Corriere dello Sport, but anyway ...) with no decision. 10 of 1997, declared the constitutional illegitimacy of the previous standard 'in that, if it is again the statement of objection, based on the same grounds, forbids the court to order or contribute to make the award until it has taken the order declaring inadmissible or reject the objection. "
Which, translated from the Italian giuridichese, translates more or less as follows: "Ok, if you make an application for recusal the judge may issue decision until it is decided, but if you do you get 50 rejections all based on the same 'bullshit' (cited above) the judge considers the same and you can attack the tram because the process does not stop. "
So, going to conclude, given that this new instance of objection may be rejected as unfounded (I'll eat my hat), nor have the effect of delaying the process, what is?
Why would the PM decided in the end to attach the same tram in this blessed?
But this is a question that is difficult to answer.
Also because, if we just tried, and the good time that the criminal trial do to us.
(Credits: , Dario Juve 1897-2006)
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(Credits: , Antonio Corsa)
On 25 January, will recall , a hearing was held flash: scant 18 minutes, including 8 for the usually long, roll call. The expert transcriber, Eng. Roberto Porto, had found it difficult to conclude its work on time and, from the initial request for an extension to February 24 with the March 1 hearing, rejected by Casoria, had arrived to set as the deadline of February 18 for the deposition, with hearing set on 22. Almost a month without a hearing or new, although right from the last time on 11 January, you had news both in the classroom and in the press of the supplementary survey conducted by the prosecutor. "Until (the attorney, Ed) does not make a request to the tribunal is a fact that does not concern us," said the lawyer Casoria. Gallinelli on that occasion. And the rest was required, although, if desired, avoidable (could hear the heads at that time if they wanted to up the tempo).
Back in the classroom, the expert has again requested an extension for a further 45 days, expanding even more the timing of process. A blow to the defense, which had already given up in any significant way to the defensive for most of the heads trying to come to court decisions for the summer. But nothing. Indeed, if possible, has been even worse. On day 22, in fact, the prosecution has finally announced it would hear further witness under Article 9. 493 cpp, although the investigations were formally closed in April 2007. Ten months after entering in the file, the "memorial" Giacinto Facchetti and talking with his son Gianfelice is asked to listen in class. Ten months later is all. And not just him and other heads like Nucini Monti, who would have something on the subject to say. And others, including one, Corbelli, had already caught a lawsuit by Moggi before speaking in class, the other Zamparini had said to leave him alone for some time and the last two, Baraldi and Minotti, not had more than "feelings", and refers to Giraudo.
hearing March 1 the first three do not occur, nor Narducci. And here begins the masterpiece. On 28 February, in fact, the day before the hearing (in fact, useless), formally began a lawsuit against the CSM Casoria. The case arose from a complaint made by his colleagues in the Ninth Section of the Criminal Court of Naples, who accuse the president section, the Casoria fact, they had a wrong attitude and tone he used inappropriate with respect to colleagues and office staff. In short, an internal conflict to the prosecution, where judges are protesting and demanding the head (virtual, and God forbid) the unappreciated (by them) Casoria. What's it all about? Got to do because, from 8 April, will begin the oral testimony, and two of their heads that will be heard will be the two Pm Narducci and Campbell, called to express their feelings about the president. The two, who already knew and then meditated a coup de theater, arrive at the date of commencement of proceedings to the CSM, in fact without burning key witnesses. All’udienza dell’1 marzo, Gianfelice Facchetti, Danilo Nucini e il Pm Narducci non si presentano (anche Zamparini, ma lui avrebbe smentito comunque, a sensazione), mentre il giovane Capuano, da solo, “va sotto” con i teste “meno importanti”, quelli che un pò tutti sapevamo non avrebbero avuto molto da aggiungere. Procura in testa. Un’udienza chiaramente e sfacciatamente pro-difese, come abbiamo avuto modo di documentare.
Un trionfo, ma ecco la mossa che ribalta la situazione: il giorno dopo, i due Pm depositano presso la cancelleria della Corte d’Appello una dichiarazione di ricusazione (la seconda, incredibile) del presidente Casoria (solo lei, questa volta), giustificandola ai sensi l’art. 36 comma a del codice di procedura penale che prevede che il giudice si astenga “se ha un interesse nel procedimento”. L’interesse, alla Berlusconi maniera, sarebbe se vogliamo una forma di vendetta possibile della Casoria contro i due Pm, che testimonieranno in uno suo processo. “Mancanza di serenità nel giudizio”, scriverà con parole più morbide la Gazzetta dello Sport.
Ma lo stupore va oltre. «Sono perplesso per i tempi di questa istanza. L’1 marzo i Pm hanno concordato con la Casoria di risentire il 15 i testimoni, Nucini e Facchetti jr., che non si erano presentati, mentre il giorno dopo depositavano un’istanza of objection with a request for immediate suspension of the proceedings. A document of its complexity could not be prepared in a single day: in short, the suspicion is that it is a move to delay a process that certainly was not going well for them, so represented. Hen, hot.
We pull the money? Nucini & co., Against which the defenses were ready to unleash hell (Prioreschi had suggested the "Trojan horse" that did controesaminare in the presence of a lawyer) gain time, the prosecutor requesting the immediate suspension of the proceedings (even on its own merits, then), the Casoria - to ogni modo – non potrà emettere sentenza finchè la Corte d’Appello non si sarà pronunciata sul suo caso (e in estate si va tutti in vacanza) e, ricusazione a parte, rischia il trasferimento causa procedimento in corso al Csm (qualora dovesse essere accertato quanto presentato nell’esposto, ovviamente).
Basta una mossa, ma fatta bene. Sfacciata, se vogliamo. Ma è guerra, e come in amore anche in aula non si escludono colpi. Calciopoli è anche questo. E’ una lotta fatta di carte bollate, ricusazioni, una corsa contro il tempo, una corsa a perderlo. L’anomalia, se vogliamo, è che ormai la procura si comporta come un imputato, mentre gli avvocati difensori fanno i procuratori, trying to close because they believe you are holding the winning cards. It 's a game of poker. Had it been a scopone, Moggi would have torn them all.
CASORIA Teresa - Chairman of the Section IX Criminal Court of Naples.
Giuseppe Narducci - One of two prosecutors.
CAPUANO Stefano - One of two prosecutors. Roberto
PORTO - Expert transcriber. Mr. Maurilio
Prioreschi - Defender Moggi.
hen Mr. Paul - Defender De Santis.