Thanks Two articles and Moretti Vaciago, Tuttosport published on Saturday, people are a bit 'more informed on the recusal of Judge Casoria. Learned the news from these items we can add a wealth of information that allow us to offer our readers a more complete picture on the new challenge of Judge Teresa Casoria.
timing. The first thing that attracts attention is the timing of events: 28 February the Public Prosecutor of Naples receives from the Council of the Judiciary to disclose a disciplinary procedure against Casoria; pm the next day Narducci is absent in the classroom e l'accusa è rappresentata dal solo Capuano; e il 2 marzo il Procuratore della Repubblica Giovandomenico Lepore ed i sostituti Narducci e Capuano firmano la nuova istanza di ricusazione del giudice Casoria. Poche ore per apprendere la notizia e preparare al volo un'istanza che, a quanto pare, è composta di ben 12 pagine. Sulla tempistica l'avvocato Gallinelli ha evidenziato a Vaciago: "Sono perplesso per i tempi di questa istanza. Il primo marzo i pm hanno concordato con la Casoria di risentire per il 15 i testimoni, Nucini e Facchetti Jr, che non si erano presentati, mentre il giorno dopo depositavano un’istanza di ricusazione con richiesta di sospensione immediata dell’attività processuale. Un documento che per la sua complexity could not be prepared in a single day: in short, the suspicion is that it is a move to delay a process that certainly was not going well for them ".
DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS. The new application for recusal is based on Casoria fact that the court is facing disciplinary proceedings in which the debate is expected before the disciplinary section of the CSM on 8 April 2011. As far as we know, the magistrate would be defendants alleged misconduct against judges and other employees of the office.
The disciplinary procedure has its origin in the first instance of objection advanced by prosecutors in Naples. Quell'istanza, proposta in data 21 ottobre 2009, è stata rigettata il 22 dicembre 2009 ma, in conseguenza di quella richiesta di ricusazione, il titolare dell'azione disciplinare ha svolto accertamenti sui comportamenti del giudice Casoria. Vaciago scrive che nel procedimento disciplinare "si citano vari episodi in cui la Casoria avrebbe rivolto insulti a colleghi o sottoposti e espresso giudizi molto negativi sul funzionamento della giustizia a Napoli" e che i pm saranno testimoni nel procedimento. Le incolpazioni disciplinari non riguarderebbero la conduzione del processo così detto "Calciopoli", ma più in generale i comportamenti ed i modi del giudice Casoria e, oltre ad episodi relativi a comportamenti tenuti in altri processi, sarebbero citate anche due risposte date dalla Casoria alle giudici a latere del processo "Calciopoli", Maria Pia Gualtieri e Francesca Pandolfi, che saranno ascoltate come testi, insieme ai pm Narducci e Capuano, durante la discussione orale dell'udienza fissata dal CSM per l'8 aprile.
A questo, al ruolo nel procedimento disciplinare delle due giudici a latere, fa riferimento Alvaro Moretti quando, sempre sabato su Tuttosport, scrive: "... in ogni caso, ben difficilmente le difese accetterebbero un reintegro della corte con due giudici, la Gualtieri e la Pandolfi, in disputa col Presidente" .
LA RICUSAZIONE. I Pubblici ministeri, a quanto pare, baserebbero their new application for objecting to the fact that the disciplinary action of the Attorney General of the Supreme Court would also concern the conduct by Judge Teresa Casoria as a result of the first request for recusal. During the investigation that led to the exercise of disciplinary action were also statements made by Narducci pm and Campbell, also of the first signatories to the request for recusal. The request for recusal, to our knowledge, shows that there is incompatibility Casoria for a kind of possible interference between the process "Calciopoli" leading and disciplinary proceedings. In fact, you claim that the Casoria could not drive the process and help to deliver sentence after having behavior as a judge of that process, subject to relevant regulations. Vaciago writes that "the Casoria, specifically, is accused of having" an interest in the proceedings' Calciopoli. This' interest 'is derived from a disciplinary procedure against him, in which the two pm are called as witnesses by the CSM " .
Prosecutors allege that the interest may be as low-order "moral" and not necessarily of an "economic" interest that could undermine the role of neutrality and impartiality of the judge, who may wish to decide to think " disciplinary advantage of absolution. " The lawyer has
Prioreschi risposto a Moretti: "Mi auguro che la Corte d'Appello decida tempestivamente e non vedo l'applicabilità della norma che i pm invocano stavolta: non vedo, cioè, quale interesse personale possa avere la Casoria in questo procedimento. Normalmente, l'interesse è delle parti, non del collegio giudicante. Apprendo che i pm del processo sono anche testimoni del procedimento disciplinare a carico della Casoria. E allora sarebbe più opportuno che si astenessero loro dal sostenere l'accusa in questo processo, non la Casoria" .
LA NORMA. A proposito del citato "interesse" la Corte di Cassazione ha in effetti affermato che "l'interesse the procedure under Article. 36 1 co. Lett. a) CPP, is the possibility for the court to issue to their advantage judicial activity that is called to play in the process, an advantage which should not necessarily be cheap but that may well be merely moral " (Cass. sez . VI, 03/05/1998, No. 2452, Appl. Strazzullo RV No 210839; id., 18/6/1998 No 1711, Appl. Cuccurullo, RV No. 211132).
Apparently instance objection refers to a ruling by the Supreme Court, which, according to the PM, has ruled on a similar case (Section II Judgement No 1660 of 1999). On the web you can find a document that, in paragraph 5) invokes a passaggio di tale sentenza che qui riportiamo: "l’interesse quale elemento della fattispecie ex art. 36 lett. a) c.c.c. è senz’altro da ravvisarsi in capo al Giudice che sottoposto a procedimento disciplinare per comportamenti attinenti ad attività e provvedimenti giurisdizionali in precedenza adottati nell’ambito di un procedimento penale sia poi chiamato a pronunziarsi nello stesso procedimento penale in relazione ai medesimi fatti" ; ciò in quanto quel Giudice sarebbe comunque, in tal caso, "condizionato dalla pendenza del procedimento disciplinare instaurato in conseguenza della sua precedente decisione essendo egli, inevitabilmente, portato a porsi il problema della possibile incidenza sul procedimento specification for the new decision ".
However, according to the Supreme Court, to ascertain whether such interest is specifically apparent in relation to the" advertised "disciplinary proceedings in respect of which has been determined to be the actual existence and relevance of the slope, both the terms and contents of incrimination in particular and rigorous assessment of the relevance and dependence on it from previous activities carried out by the court as a court order to the same facts of that same process which was then grafted to the statement of objection, for this not reach a general and apodictic statements of principle, but to establish, in practice, whether the judge refused on the basis of the findings set out above, is actually the bearer of a legal interest that would engage each other in order to make the case in judicial activity which he is called to do, objectively likely to lead to an advantage , though not only economic but moral.
In this perspective, it is not obviously anticipate a challenge, so to speak, "omnibus" (that is, for reasons related to processes other than that for which the disqualification is required), but SINCE consider its application only for a given process and reasons related thereto, and therefore should be evaluated for Judgement of the merits of "reusability", that the conduct alleged against the Casoria held by the same process only in the "Calciopoli". And in actual fact, always according to what is known, between the conduct complained to the magistrate, the conduct required in the process "Calciopoli" not really seem the most relevant to disciplinary action.
braking. This new application for recusal could lead to a further slowdown in the process. Under challenge the trial can continue without delay, but must stop before the sentence and awaiting the decision on the challenge. Any complaint or disciplinary conviction, However, it may not automatically change the objection.
Only if the request for recusal was granted there is a risk of having to redo the whole process from the beginning. A process that was already in the pipeline, with a ruling expected in spring, suffers heavy braking due to extensions requested by the expert transcriber Porto pm and initiatives: the first request for the hearing of new witnesses took place two months after the conclusion of "further investigations", then this new application for recusal of the judge.
The risk that the process may end with a prescription and without a legal truth exists, but this solution would not be attributable to the defenses and would not be welcome, as the Advocate Prioreschi "We shrink the hypothesis: there are objective findings of the proceedings each day by giving positive evidence of the innocence of Luciano Moggi and in general of the accused. We want this process to be completed before the new laws would come into force. That would be a mockery of those who consider themselves innocent be deprived the chance to see their clearly established right, moral denied relief for this loss of time, paving the way for standards such as those of the short process ".
remember that the prescription would be a fact provided for by law, however, has yet to enter into force.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM )
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