Sunday, March 6, 2011

Best Upconverting Dvds

Il capolavoro di Narducci

(Credits: , Antonio Corsa)

On 25 January, will recall , a hearing was held flash: scant 18 minutes, including 8 for the usually long, roll call. The expert transcriber, Eng. Roberto Porto, had found it difficult to conclude its work on time and, from the initial request for an extension to February 24 with the March 1 hearing, rejected by Casoria, had arrived to set as the deadline of February 18 for the deposition, with hearing set on 22. Almost a month without a hearing or new, although right from the last time on 11 January, you had news both in the classroom and in the press of the supplementary survey conducted by the prosecutor. "Until (the attorney, Ed) does not make a request to the tribunal is a fact that does not concern us," said the lawyer Casoria. Gallinelli on that occasion. And the rest was required, although, if desired, avoidable (could hear the heads at that time if they wanted to up the tempo).

Back in the classroom, the expert has again requested an extension for a further 45 days, expanding even more the timing of process. A blow to the defense, which had already given up in any significant way to the defensive for most of the heads trying to come to court decisions for the summer. But nothing. Indeed, if possible, has been even worse. On day 22, in fact, the prosecution has finally announced it would hear further witness under Article 9. 493 cpp, although the investigations were formally closed in April 2007. Ten months after entering in the file, the "memorial" Giacinto Facchetti and talking with his son Gianfelice is asked to listen in class. Ten months later is all. And not just him and other heads like Nucini Monti, who would have something on the subject to say. And others, including one, Corbelli, had already caught a lawsuit by Moggi before speaking in class, the other Zamparini had said to leave him alone for some time and the last two, Baraldi and Minotti, not had more than "feelings", and refers to Giraudo.

hearing March 1 the first three do not occur, nor Narducci. And here begins the masterpiece. On 28 February, in fact, the day before the hearing (in fact, useless), formally began a lawsuit against the CSM Casoria. The case arose from a complaint made by his colleagues in the Ninth Section of the Criminal Court of Naples, who accuse the president section, the Casoria fact, they had a wrong attitude and tone he used inappropriate with respect to colleagues and office staff. In short, an internal conflict to the prosecution, where judges are protesting and demanding the head (virtual, and God forbid) the unappreciated (by them) Casoria. What's it all about? Got to do because, from 8 April, will begin the oral testimony, and two of their heads that will be heard will be the two Pm Narducci and Campbell, called to express their feelings about the president. The two, who already knew and then meditated a coup de theater, arrive at the date of commencement of proceedings to the CSM, in fact without burning key witnesses. All’udienza dell’1 marzo, Gianfelice Facchetti, Danilo Nucini e il Pm Narducci non si presentano (anche Zamparini, ma lui avrebbe smentito comunque, a sensazione), mentre il giovane Capuano, da solo, “va sotto” con i teste “meno importanti”, quelli che un pò tutti sapevamo non avrebbero avuto molto da aggiungere. Procura in testa. Un’udienza chiaramente e sfacciatamente pro-difese, come abbiamo avuto modo di documentare.

Un trionfo, ma ecco la mossa che ribalta la situazione: il giorno dopo, i due Pm depositano presso la cancelleria della Corte d’Appello una dichiarazione di ricusazione (la seconda, incredibile) del presidente Casoria (solo lei, questa volta), giustificandola ai sensi l’art. 36 comma a del codice di procedura penale che prevede che il giudice si astenga “se ha un interesse nel procedimento”. L’interesse, alla Berlusconi maniera, sarebbe se vogliamo una forma di vendetta possibile della Casoria contro i due Pm, che testimonieranno in uno suo processo. “Mancanza di serenità nel giudizio”, scriverà con parole più morbide la Gazzetta dello Sport.

Ma lo stupore va oltre. «Sono perplesso per i tempi di questa istanza. L’1 marzo i Pm hanno concordato con la Casoria di risentire il 15 i testimoni, Nucini e Facchetti jr., che non si erano presentati, mentre il giorno dopo depositavano un’istanza of objection with a request for immediate suspension of the proceedings. A document of its complexity could not be prepared in a single day: in short, the suspicion is that it is a move to delay a process that certainly was not going well for them, so represented. Hen, hot.

We pull the money? Nucini & co., Against which the defenses were ready to unleash hell (Prioreschi had suggested the "Trojan horse" that did controesaminare in the presence of a lawyer) gain time, the prosecutor requesting the immediate suspension of the proceedings (even on its own merits, then), the Casoria - to ogni modo – non potrà emettere sentenza finchè la Corte d’Appello non si sarà pronunciata sul suo caso (e in estate si va tutti in vacanza) e, ricusazione a parte, rischia il trasferimento causa procedimento in corso al Csm (qualora dovesse essere accertato quanto presentato nell’esposto, ovviamente).

Basta una mossa, ma fatta bene. Sfacciata, se vogliamo. Ma è guerra, e come in amore anche in aula non si escludono colpi. Calciopoli è anche questo. E’ una lotta fatta di carte bollate, ricusazioni, una corsa contro il tempo, una corsa a perderlo. L’anomalia, se vogliamo, è che ormai la procura si comporta come un imputato, mentre gli avvocati difensori fanno i procuratori, trying to close because they believe you are holding the winning cards. It 's a game of poker. Had it been a scopone, Moggi would have torn them all.

CASORIA Teresa - Chairman of the Section IX Criminal Court of Naples.
Giuseppe Narducci - One of two prosecutors.
CAPUANO Stefano - One of two prosecutors. Roberto
PORTO - Expert transcriber. Mr. Maurilio
Prioreschi - Defender Moggi.
hen Mr. Paul - Defender De Santis.


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