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Prioreschi: "Process di Napoli? Se viene ricusata la Casoria o passa la legge sul processo breve...."

to Radio Power Station during the show "Something for Juve "The lawyer spoke Maurilio Prioreschi , legal defense of Luciano Moggi, the process of Naples.

JUVENEWS.NET has transcribed the entire interview.

Lawyer welcome back to our microphones. premise that we do not buy now as this newspaper since 2006, but there has to hand in drafting an article in the Gazzetta dello Sport says: "I am in Naples refuse the Casoria." Can you explain this request by prosecutors?

"It 's the second time that prosecutors in Naples have a statement of objection against President Casoria. E 'initiative so serious because I believe that the absolute judicial history of this country do not ever happened that a prosecutor disqualified on the same court twice in the same process. It 'still an initiative that shows two things: the first is that the prosecutors have apparently the fear of losing this process. The second, which is connected to the first, is that being afraid of losing as much as possible try to expand the time within which to reach a decision at first instance.
This initiative is the law in this way because the reasons have been advanced in support of the declaration of objection, there is no reason that the Code of Criminal Procedure sees as the real reasons for objecting. Basically nor is it correct that he wrote the Gazzetta dello Sport that there is no serenity of view, the interest would Casoria to acquit the defendant ... The basis of this objection, there would be a series of conflicts between courts equally throughout the ninth section the court of Naples, chaired by Dr. Casoria. Everything stems from a complaint that the judges have made the ninth section of the CSM against their president and the MSM set against Casoria disciplinary proceedings, in which texts are also Narducci pm and Capuano. Now the fact that there are disagreements within the courts and decided by the CSM, but certainly not the subject of objection in the proceedings because the CSM disciplinare può rilevare un'incompatibilità ambientale del presidente Casoria e trasferirla ad altra sezione, ad altro tribunale. Ma certamente con la decisione del processo Calciopoli il presunto contrasto tra giudici non ha nulla a che vedere ne è previsto dal codice come motivo di ricusazione. Aggiungo a conferma della gravità dell’iniziativa dei PM che questo procedimento disciplinare si deve ancora celebrare. Questi fatti avrebbero dovuto rimanere riservati proprio per la tutela del buon nome della Magistratura di Napoli.”

Può aggiornare tutti coloro che vogliono giustizia su quello che è successo nelle ultime settimane, sul perito Porto e quant’altro?
“Qui ogni giorno ne vediamo una nuova, insomma. Pensavo di averle viste tutte in 25 anni di carriera e invece... Il perito Porto ha detto che non riusciva a trovare alcune nostre telefonate ancorché i criteri di immigrazione delle telefonate sono sempre stati gli stessi che noi abbiamo utilizzato, quindi non si capisce perchè alcune si ed altre no. Ma noi nell'ultima udienza abbiamo fornito ancora una volta l’elenco con tutti i numeri, i progressivi delle intercettazioni, le date, gli interlocutori e adesso speriamo finalmente che riesca a trovare anche le ultime 27 telefonate che non riusciva a trovare e che tra l'altro sono particolarmente importanti.”

Quanto c'è il rischio che si allunghi ancora il tempo per la sentenza?
“Il rischio c'è perchè il codice prevede che il giudice ricusato non può emettere sentenza o concorrere ad emettere sentenza. Può fare attività istruttoria ma non può emettere sentenza. Non solo, i pm in questa richiesta di ricusazione hanno richiesto alla Corte d'appello di ordinare la sospensione del procedimento.”

Se venisse approvata la ricusazione della Casoria il processo si azzererebbe?
“Eh si, purtroppo. Si azzerebbe il processo e si rinizierebbe da capo, a meno che tutte le parti non danno il consenso ad utilizzare gli atti già compiuti. Stavolta la ricusazione riguarda solo la Casoria quindi si cambierebbe il presidente e non i giudici, ma francamente...”

Come si è giustificato il PM dopo aver dichiarato “piaccia o non piaccia non ci sono altre telefonate” alla luce di quanto è poi emerso in questi mesi?
Se io avvocato I made a mistake of this kind to the detriment of my client at this time I was still running away .... "

Another thing that scares the fans who want justice and the possibility that the Parliament can pass legislation on the process soon. If passed this law that would run the risk process in Naples?

"If the wording was identical to the previous summer would be a process practically dead, because they are widely expiration of the terms provided for the hearing stage."

Then there would be requirement for all?

"No, I would decline ..."

And if this law passed and then the newspapers continue to say that Moggi was saved only thanks to decline?

"The press and the media can say what they want but what has happened in two years in Naples under the eyes all and only that is in bad faith does not see it or not she says. "

He struck the testimony of Fabio Monti del Corriere della Sera last week?
"The problem here is this: it is one thing to be heard only by the public prosecutor and an account is to be heard at trial when defense lawyers are certain things that prosecutors do not allow it to say why the testimony you are about facts and not on gossip or secrets. This is a process in which the stage of preliminary investigations were recorded in violation the rules of the Code of Criminal Procedure impressions and assessments. Here is the code that does not. Unfortunately, both the Police that prosecutors have instead verbalizations of this type. It 'clear that the trial lawyer does not tell the judge "My feeling is this." Must report the facts, if you saw, you heard. Not a fact that you told someone else ... not the talk "

hypothesis of radiation sports Moggi. You can radiate a person who is no longer part of that world?
"No, Moggi because it is no longer part of this sort. But then how do, after all that has emerged, still speak of this radiation instead of disciplinary proceedings to those who were talking all the time. I'm not afraid of naming names. There is even Copelli, we all saw in that relationship was with Mean, which is still in service and still going to make the assistant to Milan! But I wonder what they do but in the Federation? "

We report on the forum that Ferrajolo, USS President, he would say that the fans of Juventus Moggi They want because they want to return to win by stealing?
" If he really said so sue also Ferrajolo. We will ask the radio recording of his speech. To err is human, to persevere is diabolical ....
Calciopoli I think it was a collective hallucination due to information made ad hoc and ad hoc selection of interceptions to hit Moggi and Juventus. Someone in the Federation should have the courage to say we were wrong! "

The bitterness of this process Naples is also and above all, to see how the hearings are then reported by the media. Nobody for example, has pointed out that Minot has confirmed in his affidavit that Sacchi, one that has a steep palate of justice in recent years, went to dinner with Bergamo and Tanzi.
But if Juventus had been siding with your party in a case in the media resonance of this process would be more important?
" I think so. Certainly if to raise his voice was not only lawyers but Prioreschi someone else would not be bad. Also because this is someone else ... Juventus Fiat. "
(Credits: )


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