Juventus, as the things listed above, it was gradually reduced to a mere speculative object, and then transformed into a profitable utility around which debate and conjecture. Speak, write and discuss the good old Goeb is now an exercise in every respect convenient, from which you can obtain benefits of all kinds.
Juve is mainly to newspapers: the Journal, which - despite the time - it gives regular headlines, topped by fanciful promises to raise (not forgetting attentive insights on every aspect of the case again), the Corsport which favors a deaf ear on the Rome, but that is deaf ears at the first lineout unjust for Juventus. It suits a particular Tuttosport that, once again, leads a hunt in which already guilty you know the target: Ranieri crucified, killed Ferrara, now is the turn of Del Blacks. Please, no broken lance for the latter, but it seems absurd that now try to pass Vialli (not training for nine years ...) as one who is in charge of Busillis , while full of scorched earth all the time to fall for foot of technical Aquileia for the Turin daily Juventus fans are tired of this presence on the bench, as to manifest his impatience through Facebook groups and networking initiatives that the most diligent propizino expulsion. Funny how we both immediately noticed this change, while a font is not been wasted to account for the plethora of bloody reality online, petitions, gathered signatures and assorted curses that for five years now are "dedicated" to the Mother House, with its short Elkann, Montezemolo, Grande Stevens, Blanc, Gabetti and company around.
The Old Lady, on balance, it is truly a common good. It 's the ideal escape for those who want to justify their own failures, it is convenient to radio and television stations that, without any opposition, has made a Hector attacked the car, a mangled corpse to appear naked, so be even more humiliated and offended. It also serves to the opponents, to fill his mouth, to wish the best of times, benevolence to pick up praise to a (generic) glorious past. E 'useful for market players, who daily operate the blender of dreams and promises, and opinion, to go study in the studio, jacket-tie-in microphone blathering the usual platitudes about arbitrators seized, telephone cards, yellow cards and targeted I miss the wires that pulled the puppet theater. E 'is perfect for former players looking for work, for predators and for those of benefices - to hell with the masochism! - Posing as a gentleman of the non-controversial and laissez-faire , when he faced the armies deployed for execution.
this rate is only a matter of time. Before or later, closed loop and vent spirits, came the tenderness, the backslapping and understanding. Hatred will replace the indulgence and the last utility to be achieved: to equip the new soccer clean of that crumb of humanity that's just missing. At that point we will definitely kill him.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM , Emilio Cambiaghi)
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