Our concept of Asia is set with a plate of chicken with almonds and set behind a piece of sashimi. In between, some category of porn streaming, of course, everything related to electronics and a few car ... point. I am grateful to the Chinese, in their youth when they turned the evening to dinner one evening a girl with a ridiculous budget you cavavi great with the 15 milalire without obviously love the Lord, make the mistake of swallowing the steamed dumplings, not because they are bad or because they are unhealthy (all the food in the Chinese restaurant is included in the Ferrarelle bottle) but because the steamed dumplings is the most indigestible food gastronomic world, able to reopen with arrogance, even after 4 days, let alone in the evening, perhaps during a romantic moment. My love for Asia ends here, in a Chinese restaurant with the 'tank with three goldfish (with a definitely an eye-catching black or white patch that has a touch of squalor more) for the rest, I do not care about nothing: no travel ideas, no passion for Asian culture or art, let alone any fantasy about women (the eastern chicks are only porn movies ... if you take a trip to Via Condotti as you can see all The Japanese have a face that resembles a telefunken ). Asian football is not that I have more enthusiasm from time, with some exceptions, such as Saudi Arabia in 1994, with a wonderful team as a fantastic goalkeeper Mohammed Al Deayea (responsiveness personified) and the eternal promise Sami Al Jaber, not to mention the ride strabilliante de pibe style Mr. Saeed El Owairan gold (with a 10 on his shoulders) against Belgium, goal not only beautiful (for the FIFA is the sixth most beautiful goal in the history of the world) but also decisive for the next round. Iran also Bello 1998, not so much for performance but more for the moving victory against the infidels (read U.S.) and also for certain names in the field as Mahdavikia and Ali Daei. Overflight of course on Korea 2002 a blatant scam style Mrs. Livoli to telemike . In between, some remnant of Japan, perhaps the only truly Asian growth. With these premises closer to the Asian Cup is not the best. Nakamura and Nakata in Italy except we always laughed at the Asian players, since the time of Miura a man with a concept all its own rule of offside, through Nanami, Rezaei, Yanagisawa that great genius of Ma Mingyu (always assuming that the landed in Perugia was him and not his brother as it is said) to close the honest Morimoto funny not because of the way of being in the field (play fair) as for its similarity with the Roswell alien . A torneo già iniziato scopro che Eurosport(canale per me SACRO visto che trasmette la coppa d'Africa) manda in onda tutte le partite,quindi il mio primo vero approccio avviene con la seconda giornata del gruppo A,dopo aver visto soltanto gli Highlights di Uzbekistan-Kuwait( notevole il secondo goal uzbeko )armato di ottima pazienza mi accingo a seguire i padroni di casa del Qatar contro la Cina. La comincio a guardare più per missione che per interesse,sinceramente leggendo le formazioni mi sembra alquanto improbabile veder arrivare anche un solo pallone in porta,mi metto dunque a telefonare buttando un occhio stanco al televisore, dovrò aspettare solo 26 minuti,tale Ahmed controlla in palleggio e tira al volo right under the cross , starts the heart beat is official I'm falling in love. The game will end with 2 to 0 double its staff of Ahmed. Since that day, it ignites a passion, I discovered the existence of another world, to know that football is worthy of the name in Asia is how to come to discover that there is life on Mars. Although there is less competition in African Folklore, even here there are scenes worthy of note. In Japan, Syria, beyond the sensational penalty awarded to the team Arabic (after the benefit of Hasebe) is at least curious is the reaction of a Syrian panchinaro crying, sobbing during the execution of the penalty, converted by the number 10 Al-Kathib uno con la classica faccia che guardi storto in aeroporto,anche se da questo punto di vista non posso parlare a giudicare dalle perquisizioni anche intime che mi fanno dato il mio aspetto non propriamente da cerbiatto. per la cronaca il Giappone vincerà 2 a 1 in 10,grazie ad un altro calcio di rigore. Semplicemente fantastica l'India. Non mi capacito di come in un paese che conta un miliardo di abitanti,non si riesca a trovare almeno un portiere . In 3 partite la squadra indiana porta a casa 13 goal,certo ,a parziale scusante va detto che l'India è stata inserita in un girone di ferro con due favorite(Australia e Sud Corea) e un outsider(Bahrain reduce da uno spareggio mondiale). Curiosa la qualificazione indiana alla competizione,avvenuta nl 2008 through AFC Challenge Cup, a national league dedicated to emerging Asian , won in the final against the formidable Tajikistan (champion). From various sources on the Internet are also learned that the Indian national gave up (despite his victory in the qualifiers) in the world of 1950, because FIFA imposed the use of shoes (who claims!) While the Indian players were used to playing barefoot which can only increase my esteem for this team. The group will close without too many surprises, removed the elimination of Saudi Arabia reaffirms the good of the Iraqi champions and a surprising Uzbekistan terminating at the head of his group. Dai quarti il torneo diventa decisamente più serio. L'Uzbekistan si sbarazza della Giordania con una doppietta di Bakaev(calciatore che milita nel campionato Kazako). Il Giappone passa in svantaggio due volte contro il Qatar ma grazie ad una prestazione maiuscola di Kagawa si qualifica allo scadere eliminando i padroni di casa,nei quale è il caso di sottolinearlo, gioca una vecchia conoscenza del calcio italiano ovvero Fabio Cesar Montezine (sicuramente lo ricordano a Napoli)brasiliano ma con passaporto qatariota. La Corea del Sud elimina ai supplementari un caparbio Iran mentre l'Iraq cade a 2 minuti dai calci di rigore sotto i colpi di uno spietato Kewell . L'Iraq campione in carica esce ai quarti dopo un buon torneo,in Actually, the victory of 2007 seems less fake looking at this tournament. I've always had the impression that the last competition was a farce, a sham, as when an adult is to win at arm wrestling a child. The nation devastated by war that finds revenge in football, really a novel or Hollywood script (for this ... it should be noted that Hollywood has a movie dedicated to Popeye sorry but I could not cite Over the top) The fact is that according to this competition Iraq, seems to play ball with some success. In the semi-finals and then we find the three favorites, one part of the duel to the death between Korea and Japan for another surprise Uzbekistan and Australia. I wonder seriamente chi abbia deciso che l'Australia debba giocare in Asia. Non credo che fisicamente e tradizionalmente un australiano abbia a che fare con un qualsivoglia asiatico,sarebbe come far disputare all'Islanda la coppa d'Africa,fosse per me porterei in Europa la nazionale australiana. Tra Corea e Giappone è totale massacro,una partita emozionantissima(decisamente il più bel match del torneo) decisa ai calci di rigore. Vantaggio coreano su calcio di rigore,pareggio di Maeda su assist di Nagatomo e successivo vantaggio di Hosogai sulla ribattuta del rigore parato ad Honda,a 4 secondi dal termine la beffa per il Giappone che prende goal in mischia Da Hwang Jae Won. I rigori termineranno con un 3 a 0 secco per la nazionale allenata da Zaccheroni with two parades Eiji Kawashima (Lierse player) from the beginning that his show will continue in the final. In Japan this game (and consequently the Borussia Dortmund) Kagawa lost for the rest of the season because of a foot injury. The other semifinal is a massacre. The extent of Australia won 6 to 0 against Uzbekistan, which until now had very impressed (the splendid sixth goal) and won the final. In glides we will lose as a ransom Uzbekistan measurement (3 to 2) against South Korea, this will be the last game with the shirt of the national Park Ji Sung. A piece of Uzbekistan will still be in the final. To arbitrate in fact be the best Referee emerging on the international scene, namely Uzbekistan Ravshan Irmatov born in 1977 and internationally by the tender age of 26 years. Arbitration has the flawless opening round of the World 2010 between South Africa and Mexico in addition to England Algeria, Argentina, Greece, the quarter-final between Argentina and Germany and the semi-final between Uruguay and the Netherlands. On January 29, 2011 in front of 40 thousand people are on the field at the Khalifa Stadium in Doha, Japan and Australia, announced the end of this bowl of Asia. The game runs boring, Japan makes the game and held the ball, Australia is to distribute. Two decisive interventions by the Japanese number one (named man of the match) and 109esimo full extra minute in the turn, Yuto Nagatomo road for the umpteenth time the left wing, goes to the cross that is regularly collected by the beautiful left wheel of Tadanari Lee, is the winning goal. Japan usually we have only seen the triumph Holly e Benji , certainly not beat Australia in the final but eliminated France, Brazil and Germany, running 53 km long shots and pulling punishment that lasted too long for two episodes. In fact, the Japan of today is able to provide entertainment, how can you defend and attack for 90 minutes, like Portugal, with a lot of quality in half and three quarters and no real point, with great players like Honda , Kagawa , Matsui and Hasebe . It seemed at times to review the 3-4-3 Zac Udine, Bierhoff missed only one of the situation. The goal of Lee (South Korean passport) is all the technical Romagna, as Tadanari was done by his debut mystery of Cesenatico and at home until the goal was known more for his marriage to the Japanese pop singer iconiq . The Australia ends with a moral victory and the points required to rejuvenate a team that has performed well, however. After the match I sipped the award more than the history of football, something infinite, like the final days of campiscuola where cups and medals were given to all children, I think also been awarded the best bus driver of the quarter-finals and the best storage company in 80 kg category on. I look forward to the time of the cup, but people in turbans minicoppe continues to distribute to anyone, at the end of my patience
is rewarded and cheered by the words in Romagna issued by Zac good on television in Japan. Ends up the bowl of Asia, a pleasant surprise, which made it less bitter than my January. Returning to the Asian stereotypes, I can not mention the classic "You've never seen a Chinese funeral?" in fact I never even saw the funeral of a San Marino, but I presume they also go to the creator, I've never even seen a Molise (for I mythological figures) and in any case to answer, no, I never saw a funeral of a Chinese, but I saw the Asian Cup and I liked it ... and too much.
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