You know the old westerns of John Ford's "Stagecoach", for example, those in which the cavalry always arrives on time to reverse the tide of battle?
Baraldi has retraced the steps of the negotiation for the sale of Di Vaio, specifying that the agreement was reached in August 2000 between Moggi and Sacchi: agreement providing for the passage of Di Vaio in black and white jersey for 27 billion lire, 15 of which immediately payable and the remainder via a mechanism designed to defer payment beyond the limit of three years: sharing Brigade would pass to Parma (Baraldi reports that the player liked to sacks), with subsequent repurchase after two years by the Juventus price set at 12 billion.
This second store was made legal by the signature of a private document between the bags Moggi, Juventus and Parma.
Later in June 2004, Parma and Juventus met, first in Turin and Milan, to resolve the ownership of Brig. Giraudo and Moggi at first tried to enter into negotiations on the purchase option Gilardino, Bonera and Marchionni, Parma's refusal to seek the alternative option on some of the young nursery. The fact that Parma was in receivership and in financial difficulty because of the Parmalat collapse induced Moggi and Giraudo to try to force his hand, and Bondi, Parmalat Commissioner Plenipotentiary of all the group companies, opposed them dry niet. Normal operations of financial cynicism that only the PM Capuano seems to know Baraldi when asked "if the leadership of the Juve was aware of the economic difficulties of Parma", getting a confirmation from Baraldi and a story very well known in football, " The proceeds from the sale of brigade was required for enrollment in the league. " I wonder if Campbell is aware of the cynicism of those who took advantage of the financial spoils of Juventus post Calciopoli per accaparrarsi il più forte centravanti visto negli ultimi 10 anni in Italia al prezzo di un brocco?
Ma tutta la vicenda Di Vaio era semplicemente finalizzata a riportare l'incazzatura di Giraudo, che prima firma il contratto così come previsto dalla scrittura privata dell'agosto 2000 e poi si lascia andare ad uno sfogo nei confronti di Baraldi e Minotti: “Con noi avete chiuso!”
“Le parole esatte non le ricordo” ha precisato Baraldi, ma io l'ho interpretato come una minaccia.
Minaccia che non ha saputo chiarire nemmeno quando il presidente Casoria gli ha chiesto di cosa l'avesse minacciato Giraudo e con quali mezzi intendesse raggiungere lo scopo. Solo una sua sensazione, altro che minaccia di andare in serie B come voleva far credere il PM.
Ancora più esplicito è stato Minotti, il quale ha riferito che Giraudo prima firmò e poi si incazzò con lui e con Baraldi di fronte a tutti nella hall dell'albergo dove si teneva il calcio mercato, ma non fece nessuna minaccia di spedirli in B.
Una normale incazzatura per un affare che Giraudo pensava potesse andare meglio, anche perché, come lo stesso Minotti ammette, “non è che Brighi avesse fatto così bene al Parma”.
Quindi niente minacce di Giraudo e nessuna azione tendente alla retrocessione del Parma, cosa che, a risentire Narducci nell'udienza in cui aveva chiesto l'ammissione di questi nuovi texts, it seemed clear, sunny.
But if there is no evidence of the prosecution theories, from a Baraldi-examination by lawyer Bonatti we learned that the bags on the initiative of Parma had organized a dinner with the design: "I was there, Sacchi, Stefano Tanzi, Calisto Tanzi and two designators Bergamo and Pairetto "says Baraldi. Other
that exclusive relationship with Moggi's design!
And if the deposition of Baraldi and Minotti has run resolved a stalemate for the prosecution, has been even worse with the deposition of Corbelli.
Corbelli was president and co-owner, along with Ferlaino of Naples since 2000, the year of promotion Series A, 2002, when the Naples retreated in B.
to give credit to the journalistic indiscretions, Corbelli in his interrogation by the accused PM Moggi had caused the downgrading of Naples by his killer drills and assisted the GEA.
completely different content were actually statements Corbelli in the classroom, in a few minutes denied Zeman, who had said that Moggi had him taken to Naples to ruin him, saying instead that he wanted the good of Moggi and Naples Zeman suggested because the coach thought he was perfect for Naples. Moggi
on Zeman was wrong, but this can not be considered a crime worthy of a criminal conviction. Corbelli poi smonta la teoria dei PM che ritenevano Moggi il vero direttore sportivo del Napoli che ne condizionava la campagna acquisti. Corbelli riporta che proprio per limitare la presenza di assistiti GEA (Amoruso, Pecchia e Fresi) nel Napoli, Ferlaino rifiutò la proposta di Alessandro Moggi (consulente di mercato) di acquistare l'uruguaiano Pacheco. Alessandro Moggi si dimise ed i rapporti tra i Moggi ed il Napoli si interruppero. Corbelli ha poi ribadito di non aver mai detto che Moggi fece retrocedere il Napoli o che Moggi volesse il male del Napoli, anzi lo riteneva il più esperto nel mondo del calcio ed i suoi consigli erano ben accetti dal club partenopeo. Non è mancata tuttavia una stoccata finale a Fresi che, secondo il parere di Corbelli, is responsible for at least two defeats that cost the downgrading of Naples, in the 2000/2001 season. In his view precisely, without any evidence that Fresi acted in bad faith. President Corbelli, if you know how many defeats we impute to the poor Grygera! But certainly do not think like the evil of Juve. Corbelli President, PM Campbell, I want to help: in football there are good ones and little ones, Cutter was simply poor.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM , Joseph Rombolà )
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