Prioreschi: "Procura sta tenendo comportamento dilatatorio" "I PM sono anche testimoni nel procedimento a carico della Casoria
(Tuttosport) - The game gets tough, the process Calciopoli. This is the second instance for challenging pm Narducci and Capuano for the jury president, Teresa Casoria. The risk of a new impasse is very concrete and what jumps all, if the application was accepted by the Court of Appeals, unlike what happened there 23 December 2010. Why, in any case, hardly accept a reinstatement hearing the court with two judges, Gualtieri and Pandolfi, in dispute with the president. We talk to Maurilio Prioreschi, with Paolo Trofino, shares the main defense of the accused, Luciano Moggi.
Lawyer, we are of the second objection against the Casoria pm.
"I think a sign of great weakness of the prosecution shows that on the one hand the fear of losing their job as we move to the preliminary hearing finora. E dall’altro ci impone uno slittamento: il giudice ricusato non può infatti emettere alcuna sentenza fin quando non viene emessa l’ordinanza della Corte d’Appello che dichiarasse inammissibile la richiesta di ricusazione. E’ oggettivamente un comportamento dilatorio, questo: ancora una volta, di fronte a difese che fanno di tutto per accelerare i tempi di questo processo, come dimostrato con la rinuncia a gran parte dei testi ci troviamo di fronte una Procura che, in extremis al termine della fase di istruttoria dibattimentale, ha chiesto l’audizione di altri nove testi, non sfruttando i 60 giorni di stop alle udienze imposte dalla perizia di trascrizione delle intercettazioni mancanti. Dall’altro propone una istanza di ricusazione che in ogni caso - dilata i tempi » .
E all’orizzonte c’è anche la possibilità di introduzione del processo breve o della prescrizione ridotta: si rischia di non scriverla mai la verità processuale di Calciopoli.
« Di certo sembrerebbe essere più concreta la prospettiva del processo breve, che è ricalendarizzato alla Camera. Noi questa ipotesi la rifuggiamo: oggettivamente le risultanze processuali ci stanno ogni giorno dando le prove positive dell’innocenza di Luciano Moggi e in generale degli imputati. Noi vogliamo che questo processo si concluda prima che le nuove leggi possano entrare in vigore. Sarebbe proprio una beffa per chi si ritiene innocente, vedersi privata la possibilità di vedere acclarata la propria ragione, negato un ristoro morale anche per questa perdita di tempo, che apre la strada a norme come quelle del processo breve » .
Nel 2009 ci vollero due mesi per ottenere il via libera dalla Corte d’Appello sulla prima ricusazione.
« Mi auguro che la Corte d’Appello decida tempestivamente e non vedo l’applicabilità della norma che i pm invocano stavolta: non vedo, cioè, quale interesse personale possa avere la Casoria in this procedure. Normally, the interest of the parties is not the bench. I understand that i am in the process, they are also witnesses to the disciplinary proceedings against the Casoria. And then ... '.
So ...
"Then it would be more appropriate that they should abstain from supporting the prosecution in this process, not the Casoria."
We can make a prediction on the end of the first degree, in the light of these new quicksand?
" I think it's the first time in judicial history of this country that refuses pm twice a judge in the same process. I certainly hope that if, despite all the delays incurred when it seemed channeled towards its conclusion, leads to a ruling by summer. You could close by spring, ricordiamocelo well. "
has now been laid to the rule establishes a new trial on issues of radiation of Moggi, Giraudo, Mazzini and others 39. What do you think?
"I find it shameful that the Football Association, in front of what is emerging from the process of Naples, instead of worrying about a job quickly celebrate sports at the expense of all parties against behaviors which have emerged in clear violation of the code of sports justice, is concerned about how to get to the removal of persons who have been unjustly and excessively penalized in 2006. Calciopoli remember that the process was held in 15 days on the basis of sources of evidence consist of information and fragments of the police wiretaps of properly selected. To date, the Federal Prosecutor's Office has provided incontrovertible evidence hearing against many players to act swiftly and instead is running a series of hearings useless in the face of emerging evidence in criminal proceedings and in has available. The behavior of two weights and two measures, which is no longer tolerable. "
How we can emerge, without seeking Naples or get caught the mistakes of 2006?
"I believe that the federal president Abete should have the courage to clear a situation that arises from a collective hallucination, denied by the hearing stage in Naples, and start from scratch with a process with all the sports cards and against all. Not only Inter on which you are investigating now, and only for the purpose of removing the Scudetto in 2006. "
But there is a requirement, they say.
"In this regard I call upon all concerned to refrain from a licensed prescribing any sport, which in my opinion there is also still being legally resume the activities of the duty of loyalty, having never spoken of what is emerging: Design Costa dinners with so dear to Moggi and Juventus, phone calls and requests for assistance for grills and referees a la carte. Moggi, the Juventus and therefore was punished so harshly because it maintained an exclusive relationship with the leadership of Khan, who wrote the judges FIGC. This assumption dramatically wrecked by the simple and careful listening to wiretaps and evidence such as that on Tuesday Baraldi Sacchi. You judge it all together, then. "
(Credits: Tuttosport)
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