The prescription is for Calciopoli condemnation for all, not a benefit for Mr. Moggi
I have spoken often of Moggiopoli , facilotto neologism coined by me in the aftermath of the outbreak of the scandal of football, beginning in May 2006, and then immediately face in Calciopoli, and then in Farsopoli published in recent years for the turn of events in court in Naples.
of this scandal, as well as name a "alone" in my comments to the TG3 for two years before my expulsion by military force in September 2010 with a complaint from a horse, I've written here several times in the past year and a half ( cf. the archive), the "Done" I work, and previously, between 2006 and 2008 on "Unity". But scandals paracalcistici football and I even wrote a term for life / career. I come back here for a cry of alarm.
It seems that there is a strong risk of prescription this process, which is currently in the opinion of a panel chaired by Judge Teresa Casoria. The risk is already formidable plasters for all the so-called "short trial" that is doing everything possible to pass in Parliament for obvious reasons (with the short process, requirements galore and guess from who's initials are S . and B), has risen to the square yesterday and the subject of another analysis.
The two prosecutors, Narducci and Campbell, have in fact refused for the second time Casoria. So the accusation against Moggi and company does not believe that this college can judge with confidence the occasion for a series of implications all internal to the Court of Naples, and the relationship between judges, to be exhibited at the Council of the Judiciary: all material I'll spare you that, never to be a headache.
parts instead of logical and logistical considerations . Whatever the reason for the objection (previously the second), if it were accepted it would obviously need another college. Published in chronological terms, it would certainly alla prescrizione di tutti, da Moggi alla caterva di imputati, arbitri, dirigenti ecc.
Direte: che fortuna, per Moggi e gli altri alla sbarra. Rispondo: sarebbe una vera sciagura perché la prescrizione nei confronti degli imputati verrebbe comunque spacciata dalla stampa e percepita e ricevuta dall’opinione pubblica come una “mancata condanna”. E siccome la giustizia sportiva nel 2006 ha già fatto strame del diritto calcistico con quelle sentenze poi apparse alla luce degli sviluppi delle “favole mirate”, è evidente il tipo di messaggio che ne scaturirebbe. Condannati dagli organi interni (su cui invece bisognerebbe investigare fino in fondo per capire e spiegare come e quanto dipendano da quello stesso power football and sports involved in the scandal, a real swamp in the more general Swamp Italy), prescribed by the ordinary justice: it is so close and now this ugly chapter of Italian football "with the perfect and proven guilty even if only partially (and the Arbitration question recurs on time every Sunday).
Then a disaster: would be wronged the truth or the pursuit of truth, that the defendants are guilty or innocent, and that there are others not yet charged in dance, but could become so. The wiretapping of former Auricchio more ad hoc decisions (by whom? From him? By others?) Before Naples process and "good" instrumental to the process sports have been expanded enormously in fact calling into question the power of football in its various forms: hear those calls, not only first but also many others, makes the idea of \u200b\u200ba side of what is today the ball, the other with how Moggi has sought and found one scapegoat scams including criminal association with nominators and referees in Naples still very far from proven. So I would like some nice comparisons between the version of that of Moggi and Moratti, for example, leaving Barney to literature and film ... and not limitation in the fog that envelops everything.
Dear Narducci and Campbell, prosecutors whom I respect until proven otherwise and which are estimated (I remember one of their interview with Beatrice-of-a Narducci L'Espresso), I imagine they do not want this and that if the process were to demonstrate the fragility of the system accusatory, as they write those who have studied, as judges could and should beat on appeal to demonstrate the goodness of the allegations. The botched prescription so instead it is a wound for all, not a benefit to Moggi. It 'so hard to understand? E 'legal culture that? In my opinion, not defending anyone but the search for truth, would be just the opposite.
(Credits:, Oliviero Beha)
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