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radiation ghost and frustration Palombo

Ruggiero Palombo's disappointment for lack of radiation Moggi could be put into account, in part because he had unbalanced the first time, assuring an April 24 2010 "About Calciopoli" , that inside the "glass palace" that radiation had been decided (and was later taken for granted by Galdi and Piccioni April 29, on the front page), but this time Contrary to the summer 2006, there had taken. Less predictable, however, was an article like the one signed on March 5, 2011 Journal of the filled not only disappointment but also of anger, as for a broken dream: to the point of concluding that it would be better left alone and radiation Moggi ghost and finally turn the page. suggest you read carefully, because in some passages could be traced to the signs of those who are defined as in football jargon frustration fouls.

Palombo on one side argues that the Code of Sports Justice (the old like new) allowed, indeed obliged, the federal leaders to proceed with the radiation and, second, writes that no one came in Figc assumed that responsibility because there was the fear that struck you to the ordinary justice with claims for damages (millionaires, we might add).

E 'an important input, the assumption that Calciopoli has other trains in courtrooms every day we become the second most likely and carries a corollary that sorry, and so, to those who think like Palombo: The corollary, that that the sports justice, contrary to what pundits and columnists have always said, can not disregard the findings and judgments of the ordinary. To claim, as was done in the summer of 2006, the sports justice could overturn the rules of due process, with all that followed, until the maximum penalty dell'ergastolo of radiation has proved a chance and now he are realizing everyone seems to admit as Palombo, perhaps unintentionally.

Another foul of frustration can be traced when the deputy director of Journal says that Moggi is still guilty of the ALLEGED crimes in 2006 and, if they have emerged "new facts" in the process of Naples, then buildings must go, and quickly, with other punishment, apparently without changing the sentence Sandulli, one that, simply put, he had "copied" the authors of the survey information of the investigators for the Prosecution of Naples (the dome moggiana with appurtenances and phone calls that there Inter 'were).

It so happens that the new facts of this case was also considered by order of the sports justice and is regulated by art. 39 of the CGS on "review and revision" of res judicata. Art. 39 readers of the Journal have been properly kept in the dark: The Deputy is trying again now, with the result that what is written does not stand up: the new facts come to light in Naples (the phone calls and interaction with appurtenances, maybe The dome was not there) may be taken into account by the bodies of sports justice only if the Football Federation has a review of Calciopoli because, like it or not, going to impact their outcomes with the devices of res judicata. Palaces, as reported by the Presidency Federal, is working on new facts, but only an investigation with a view to enabling then to the Federal Council to decide on complaints about the allocation of Juve's Scudetto 2005-06.

will be disappointment, or perhaps anger, or whatever, the fact is that the mysterious radiation Giraudo, Moggi-Mazzini Palombo deputy director goes so far as to write: "We have not taken a position, we reported the opinion of the Federal Court of Justice ". And here we must ask what happened to Ruggiero Palombo Moggiopoli are finite and where hundreds and hundreds of pages that were dedicated in the summer of 2006 by the Journal to the biggest scandal in history of calcium and the monster who had designed. They did cleaning in the archives of the newspaper removing dirt and dirty clothes and compromising, or is it just that the Deputy dissociates from the pages in hindsight? Or is it just as frustrating when a player goes in doll and did not realize what he is doing?

No wonder the other hand, even in the newsroom we expected a bit 'all that Palombo closes his article with an invitation to definitively turn the page, it is the end of the summer of 2006 that the fanfare of the newspapers that they review and maybe the address, they sing the refrain "who had had ..." and invite you to turn the page. As our readers know, we are convinced, however, that before closing the pages of history of Calciopoli he will write many more: and the moral of the fairy tale of the phantom and the radiation Palombo frustration is that this conviction is strengthened.
(Credits: JU29RO.COM , Enzo Lombardo )


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